CHAPTER 1-Bootcamp

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Walked through the stairs and wondering can i actually do this. its like thousands of people are here.. humph..

i promised mum i'll make her proud. i can do this.. i'll make sure im gonna make to the live shows..

turned to see a blond boy strumming his guitar to a bieber's song. 'making friends already huh' as he IS actually singing with what seems to be strangers and the choired together as a few of them were recording this guy.. wonder if he's gonna get through..thos clips are gonna be so EXCLUSIVE!!!

how does it that blond guy have already made friends with other contetstants. and hes playing guitar.. i bet he;s quite a charmer..

i made my way through the hall with hundreds other contestants. feeling awkward and was simply wondering what was going to happen. and feeling lonely here.

all i can come out with is just smiles..and more smiles.. no words seems to come out..tried to make few conversations but i end up tossing my hair to the front and slipped them to the side only to realise anyone i tried to talk to with just simply dissapear.

turned to a corner where few guys where chatting and this guy in a  maroon beanie just shouts and loughs making nonsence remarks yet everybody lough along.. whats so funny when your acting like a five year old? but i found myself grinning..alone.

damn i need to be more social.ergh..awkward.. i rushed to the mens room. splash some water to my face trying to refresh.its gonna be long i leaned to the sink..smiled and whispered 'you can do it harry. just be,..friendly..mum says youre a charmer"

"im sure you are! hello there Love!"

have i been caught talking to my self!??? ergh!! my cheeks flushed with embarassment..turned to the voice and stuttered " i..i ..i did..didnt know ttthe..theres som..somebody eelse hewreww.." sounded like a toddler now..seriously??


"im sure you are! hello there Love!" Love??? love??? did i just said hello there love to this guy! owh i cant even think straight when im nervous. this competition is killing me! he must think im a freak now for calling him love.

this kid stuttered like a child. i guess he was quite embarassed that i caught him talking to the mirror. to himself to be precise. his burning red in the face right now! and now hes tossing his hair forward,.. trying to cover your face ey. i smiled at this boys corkyness.

i walked passed him and puch him in the shoulder " you've been too obsessed talking to yourself that you didnt realise i came in" i said as i make my way to the stalls.


"Whats that mate?" i cut him off cause i barely hear him from inside the stalls and from the loud chattering from outside the mensroom. hes quiete now..i guessed he left. i tossled my hair to the front. i chuckled as i realised i just mimicked the boys action earlier. flip my hair to the said, still smiling and make my way out.

"youre still here?" i was quite startled as i saw the curly haired boy was still there. looking at me as i walked out the stall . smiled at him and just went straight to the sink and washed my hand. turned to the boy..guessed he just need a friend but he just walked out and again, messed his hair forward and flippinng to the side making me chuckle. i somehow found that amusing and found myself doing the hair thing to myself. and i put my beanie on and start walking towards groups of young girls who seems friendly. grinning.

we were then divided in to groups. we dance. and were judged while we dance. and i have no idea how they were judging as as they were SO MANYY contestants in the same hall. even we are in groups, there are  A LOT of us!

we were told were gonna sing 'man in the mirror' by MJ. we i mean the boys group. what am i suppose to do.. i guess i can blend in with the group but will the judges  notice me.

then this guy came at us. carrying a guitar in his hands. all high spirited and shouts "lets try the song before we go out there!!"


i gathered with my group,the boys, just as we were told we are going to sing man in the mirror for the judges. i like that i LOVE that song. i found my self smiling. and started chatting to few guys. about the song obviously. and we laugh. and i laughed with them.. this is not so bad after all.

i parted from them to grab some water as i felt my throat cracked as i tried to sing the song. practising with the boys seems fun. maybe we because we shared the same passion in singing. i tossled my hair again. owh i gotta stop doing that so i grab my hat from my bag and put it on going back the lads with two water bottles in my hand.

theyre singing louder now. and seems to gather around  closer i just stand there at the stairs and starts joining in the choir. everybody was singing and i have to admit we sounded good..pretty good actually. well, not everybody was singing, some were just enjoying the moments capturing us choiring with their phones and cameras. i looked around the group and notice the guy next to the guy whos' strumming the guitar.

he got his back leaning to the wall. hands crossed. and quite relaxed. a little too relaxed in my opinion. as awkward as i am, i was grooving along with the other guys and singing our throat and heart out. i was wondering why i pay attention to this particular guy. i guess i found him quite cocky. maybe because he is too relaxed. over confident i suppose. then i smirk. thats not it, hes' the guy from the mensroom earlier! the guys who said i was to obsessed with myself. well, actually he said obsessed talking to myself. and hes the one acting like a five year old earlier. now acting so cool huh.

he turns his head towards me while phrasing some of the verses in the song and i quickly turned looking away. owh, i guess i've been staring to long.

and he's still smiling or hes born with a mouth like that. i can notice his smile in the corner of my eye and i found it quite annoying. as if he was too good and better than everybody else.

i continued singing along and gazed my eye to the blond boy. the boy who i saw happily singing biebers song outside just a while ago. he caught me staring and flashes me a smile. i just nod and continue singing.took my hat off and start tossing my hair again.

ergh why do i have to do that every 10 minutes. this nerves are killing me.


i cant barely stand now can i. my legs are shaking.the boys are gathering around me. my hands are trembling. the only thing i can hold up is my smile. and keep the song verses coming out of my mouth. i dont want to look weak in front of them. i atleast should have fun in this. but my nerves are killing me. and the amount of talents in this hallway is just unbearable. i wanted to get away, run to the loo or just simply outside. but the boys are getting closer and closer and just simply focused on the song and the guy next to me who is strumming the melody to this song. why must he stand next to me. i still have my ego here have i. i dont want them to notice i freaked out and sneaked away from this session. i am intimidated but im not gonna show it.

so i crossed my arms leans to the wall ,smiled and just kept singing. my nails are digging thru my skin now as i hug my own body. my legs just cant stay still..or else i will be crumbling down.

then i notice somebody staring. with a smirk on his face.

i looked up and saw Curly! yup i nicknamed him. the weird al curly.Curly from the loo. i smiled at him but he turned his face away. looking slightly annoyed. he looked posh. with a hat on.

i heard him sing as i pay attention to his annoyed face and i just smiled. hes really good. he must have heard me sing and thought i shouldnt be here . why am i here anyways. arrghh.. i cant win with these guys.. they were just too wasting my time. and their time. i didnt realise i stopped singing and the boys started cheering and wishing each other best of luck.

a blond guy grabbed me by the shoulder and flashes the cutest and funniest smile " hey lad, whaccha thinking de're. all the best aite! cheer up,. Niall!" with a hand on my chest gesturing for a hand shake.

i took his and cant help chuckling myself " louis"

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