CHAPTER 5 [PART 2]-Can I call you Boo? Boo Bear?

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I was tired. It has been fun chatting and singing with the lads but Im  just gonna go turn myself in to bed and excuse myself  'cause  I dont think I can hold my eyes open anymore.  At least this hyper leprechaun can have my seat. He's been standing for a while yapping words which I just can understands anymore but just giggle to it 'cause it sounds so funny!. One, because of his accent and the other was just im totally sleepy. But mostly 'cause of the latter duh.

I stood up and just motioned Nialls to take my seat which he hesitated at first but I insist. And as I turned to say goodnight i caught a glimpse of Harry with this frown on his face and splash of confused painted in his expression. *I guess he thinks hes the one who should offer Niall the seat instead of me since he was slouching at Nialls seat. I knew hes' just that kind of a guy who have this emphaty for others. He must felt slightly guilty now 'cause he must think that I gave up my seat so that Niall can sit where the fact is i was sleepy and wanted to go to bed.But  I just cant bear to look at his expression;That frown and a light worried scrunch. Am I getting mellow from my sleepyness here? *scrath my head.

"Scoot over Curly" I said as I walked towards him. I saw his expression relaxed and moved slightly to the side to make room for me. I snuggled to his side and kinda cuddled him since I am practically sleepy.I felt Harry tensed for while but then relaxed as I make myself comfortable to his warm body. *hey its cold out here

I was rubbing my nose on Harry's shoulder when somebody, who I guess Niall, threw a marshmellow at us and just yelled out "aawwhh, so sweet!'

I can hear Liam's laughter and Im shaken by Harrys giggle.

Zayn just let out directly in between chuckles" Are you guys related? Cousins or something? You dont seem to not know each other even back then at boot camp, 'cause you guys seems so close and always going after each other. Calling names and stuffs" I turned around and frown towards the lads making my 'I dont understand' expression in my sleepy face cause Im so not in the mood to talk. IM SOOO SSLEEEEEPPPPYYY,......*yawn

"I dont heeff waaynyy cooouusssiinnnssszzz" I mouthed in my yawn.

Niall just laugh and nodded to zayn remarks. Liam just seems interested to listen to what we have to say.

"Owh we have our little affair in the LOO, aint we BOO," I just nodded.But I cant help to grin at how Harry put the words together and the way he chuckles at himself while he speaks as if he was rewinding the moments in his head. *well I know I did 'cause I ended up letting out a small chuckle as I remember how helpless Curly here when I tickled him. He's Ticklish! I chuckled again.

"See, there you go again!" Zayn shouts and sending more marshmellows towards us as if he was trying to get us out off each other thoughts. But we all ended laughing and for me yawning and laughing.

"You tired Lou?"

"sleeeepiieehhh" I slurred the words out my mouth.

Then I felt his hands grabbed my shoulder, pulling me towards him and just turn myself and rest my head on his chest and just curled next to him. * its cold

I felt he put his arms around me and warmth took over me. "Night Curly"

I felt he chuckled but then was to tired to notice anything else.

"Night Boo"

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