Chapter 2- That's How I Roll

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 The next day, much to my dismay, Casey wasn't at school. I texted her and she told me that she had come up with the flu. I wish I were there with her. We could've had a girl's day in and I would've comforted her, made her soup, and just chilled. But now she's stuck at home alone, and I'm stuck here at school, alone.

 As I was sitting down in economics, thinking that I should have stayed home with Casey, I felt the weight of someone plopping down on the chair beside me. I was hoping no one would sit there. I wasn't in the mood for small talk.

 "Hey, how's it going chaparrita?" Cameron. Darn it!

"Um, that's Casey's seat in case you haven't noticed. She'll be here any minute now," I lied, to get him out of sitting beside me. On any other guy it would have worked, they would have been offended. But not Cameron.

 "Ooooh, you just got real sassy on me, didn't you?" he teased. "But don't worry, Casey's not coming, she texted me to tell you she's sick."

She did not just do that. I already knew. She texted me. Why would she tell him, of all people?

 "It's alright," he said. "You'll live a day without her. If it makes you feel better, I can take her place for a day." 

"You wish Miller," I retorted. Then I realized he slung his arm around my shoulder and I shook it off.

 "Um, do you mind? Ever heard of personal space?" I asked him.

"Nah, that ain't in my vocab sweetheart," he said with a lazy grin.

 "Whatever." He's such a dork. 

 The rest of the class, Mr. Meyer was telling us about the new project we were getting assigned to do, which was in partners. It was due in a week, and knowing me, tonight was when I'd start cracking open my books.

 "Dunya?" Cameron asked with that husky smooth voice of his.

  "Yeah," I said dreamily, and then snapped out of it, realizing what I had just done. My face became red with embarrassment and I turned away. I could feel his gaze on me as I turned back around. Jerk.

  "Can I be your partner?" He asked just as sweetly.

  I have no idea what was going through my head, because I didn't even consider who Casey would partner up with, or how we'd even work on it together, but I nodded yes.

 "Good, because I need you to do it for me," he said flatly and turned away to flirt with some red-headed chick beside him.

  Idiot. I would've taken it back, but Mr. Meyer had just walked by and recorded both our names as partners. I don't want to get on his bad side. Not after the detention I just had.

  After school, I decided to walk home, as it seemed that the weather was definitely on my side. I was taking one of my favourite paths home. A row of trees on each side of the sidewalk seemed to go on forever, as an array of sunlight beamed through it. The crystal clear sky was hovering above like a perfect painting and you could hear the sound of birds chirping and singing, which you don't catch much around here. I felt almost like a cross of Snow White and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz as I walked along the path known to very few. It was a great feeling, because the calmness, tranquility naturalness of it all was just so profound. SubhanAllah (Glory be to God)!

 Just as I was admiring all of nature's beauty, I heard a car beep. Way to ruin my picture perfect moment.

 "Hey Dunya! Want a ride?" It was Cameron.

 "No thanks, I'm good," I hollered back.

 "Come on, you must be getting cold, and plus, I just stocked up on fuzzy peaches!" He yelled holding up a bag of candy, and now that he mentioned it, it was pretty chilly out. And I must admit, I'm a sucker for candy.

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