Chapter 17- Well You're an Angel

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Chapter 17

Life goes on... whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown, or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could've been. ~ Anonymous


"Yeah Mike, I was going to start mopping before, but I just can't stand Amanda Newman's high pitch voice following me everywhere. You think as an educated English teacher she'd get the point, but no."

"Man, it sure took her a while to leave the school, huh?" Another voice erupted, assumingly Mike. "Well, now you can start with the staff lounge and I'll get started with the science hallway."

My head jerked up at the sound of unknown voices as I could hear them getting closer. I looked around the room to see Casey passed out on the floor with what looked like a melted tub of ice cream beside her, and Cameron was in the massage chair a few feet from mine curled up in a fetal position facing me.

Panic began to hit me like darts and the realization of what would happen once the janitors arose frightened me to no end. You'd think the school would be empty by five o'clock, but apparently, it wasn't. I went over to Cameron's side and began saying his name over and over again softly so that the janitors wouldn't here. But I didn't have much time, and I couldn't raise my voice, so I grabbed a remote control. I figured if I couldn't nudge his shoulder, or shake him to wake up, then I might as well do it with a remote. Luckily, he eyes fluttered open the second I brought the remote in contact with his shoulder.

"Dunya?" he asked softly as if he was mistaken. "What are you doing in my house?"

"Cameron! Wake up, the janitors are coming," I whisper-yelled, and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. He fumbled trying to get up and out of the chair but his leg kicked a litre bottle of soda on the way, knocking it down to the floor where it emptied out on the white carpet flooring. Meanwhile, I could hear the janitors' steps getting closer.

Without saying a word, we rushed to get Casey up, but she is one heck of a deep sleeper and when she is in her REM sleep, nothing can wake her; not a scream, not a nudge, nothing. Believe me, last year she came over to my house for a sleepover, and I couldn't sleep at all throughout the night because of thunder that sounded like atomic bombs. Adam called us from his friend's house (since we kicked him out because Casey was sleeping over) and I took the phone with me to Teta's room where we huddled together and she comforted us, because I swear I thought the world was ending. Alhamdulillah (Glory be to God) it didn't, but point is, Casey was sound asleep the whole time. Luckily enough for me, I knew that liquids would do the trick, so I grabbed the closest thing to us- a can of diet Pepsi. Unfortunately, I didn't think ahead of the outcome, which was her obvious screaming.

The steps from outside were getting closer, and faster and I'm sure I might have heard one of them saying something about cops. As I caught Casey up on our current situation, she bolted up right away and Cameron began contemplating an escape plan.

"Cameron, they're here," I quivered, my face turning pale, and I felt the need to regurgitate all the food I ate. Sensing my clear anxiety, and the reality of the situation, he ran to grab a chair and shove it under the doorknob of the door, so that it couldn't be opened. As that bought us some time before they'd be able to open the door, we all rushed to the window. Casey pushed the glass up, and looked down to see how far off the ground we were.

"Do you need help?" Cameron offered me but I shook my head my head no.

"Come on now, we are like two feet off the ground," I pointed down, laughing at his attempt of being a gentleman. Casey rolled her eyes and jumped out of the window. The doorknob behind us was shaking violently and someone was banging on the door.

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