Chapter 1- Detention

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Dunya's POV

Sitting in my desk, I was trying to not fall asleep as my economics teacher, Mr. Meyer was discussing the stock market patterns over the past month. My head started feeling heavy, and my eyelids were drooping despite my will.

Just then, I was startled by a very loud and abruptive cough that came from behind me, which caused my head to jerk up instantly. I turned cautiously around as to see who had interrupted me from a much needed nap, as this class was surely killing me slowly.

To no surprise, Cameron Miller sat there staring at me with a smirk on his face. His slightly disheveled chestnut brown hair was swept in a way that gave it that bad boy unkept look but still managed to look so handsome. His deep and menacing stare dared to come my way challengingly. I couldn't help but admire the blue, green and hazel tinges in his eyes. This guy had arrogance written all over him, but it was such a shame that it was accompanied by such great looks.

He's that guy that every girl wants. Every girl but me. Sure he's really got looks that kill, but other than that, he's bad news. He's the exact opposite of everything I want in a man. He's not kind, or respectable, or respectful, or humble, or pious, or (and most importantly) Muslim. So in other words, he's like the pretty Fairy Bell flowers. They look beautiful from the outside, but eat them and you'll experience nausea, vomiting, convulsions, cardiac arrest and finally, death. Not that Cameron would ever kill you, but you just do not want to get involved with that guy.

"Hey there, chaparrita, I wouldn't be falling asleep if I were you. Looks like Meyer is really cracking down on you rebels," he said.

I looked around the class to see Mr. Meyer's back towards us, and nearly three quarters of the class were completely out of it and/or asleep. Yeah, sure. He's really noticing everyone's mental absence let alone cracking down at them.

What's Cameron trying to do? He's never talked to me in my life. I've been in the same classes as him for 4 years and he's never even noticed me. That or he just pretended I didn't exist. Him and all the other jocks out there. In all honesty, I don't care. But why is he suddenly aware of my existence?

"You know what? I was just about to enjoy a nice shut eye before you had to go and ruin it. I don't know about you, but I stayed up last night finishing the stupid 6 page essay Mr. Meyer forced us to do last week on global economics. So if you don't mind, I could really use a few minutes of peace, and quiet," I said hoping he'd just leave it at that.

But no, that would never happen.

"Oh, but you're mistaken. I sure was up all night," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

What is his problem? Can't he see I have a scarf on my head, which is clear religious symbol? I deserve some respect, so he can take his haughty comments elsewhere.

I turned around to face the front, and sat there stiffly while crossing my arms. I began to loosen up when I remembered why I was in this class for the first place. The easy yet boring class was my ticket to maintaining my average this semester. Universities are accepting applications, and this is my chance to bring my average up as high as I can. That thought brought ease to me.

Just then, I heard Cameron curse behind me, which made me jump in my seat. The already silent classroom plus Cameron's curse equaled my ears ringing in shock, then later in anger.

"Mr. Miller, do you have something to share with the class?" Mr. Meyer asked him in monotone.

"Yes sir, I do. You see, I was just minding my business and listening to your great interpretation on why the DOW has decreased by 0.4%, when someone..." he said narrowing his eyes at me, "decided to throw her textbook at me, which has in return, bruised my arm and I might need some medical assistance. See? Right there." He flashed a perfectly fine arm at the teacher quick enough so that he wouldn't see properly.

My Dunya (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now