Chapter 9- A-ray-bic

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"Wow, it's beautiful MashaAllah (Glory be to God/ used to express praise or admiration)," I marveled at Adam and Sumaya's engagement rings as they displayed them for me to see several days later. Adam wouldn't let me see his until Sumaya was here so they could show them to me together. Don't ask me why, that boy has a mind of his own.

"And the best part is," Teta's voice erupted into an excited chirp, "they were on sale!" Adam and Sumaya looked at one another and began chuckling. Or so she thought. Adam's always telling Teta things that he buys are on sale so she doesn't get concerned over his spending habits.

"But they actually were," Adam said to me earnestly. I eyed the shiny silver bands on both their rings carefully, looking at every signature detail. They truly were very beautiful rings. I'm so happy for the both of them.

"So Dunya," Sumaya said to me shyly. "I was thinking that we might go wedding shopping next week. I know everything's running pretty fast but we both figured we might as well get it done before we start uni again. That way, my family can stay here with my dad's job and all, and Adam and I can rent a condo or something in Ohio." Adam looked at her in adoration, and I thought it was just so cute.

"Wow," I said in disbelief, "I can't believe everything is happening so fast. I mean, you guys are getting married in less than two months. Yeah, the planning is going to be hectic."

"We just figured it'd be easier to do it now that we're on our break than coming back later on and having it interfere with schooling," Adam explained.

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'd do the same thing if I were you two," I told them honestly. Sumaya clasped her hands excitedly and turned to Adam with a plastered smile on her face.

"I'm finally going to have the sister I've always wanted," I nudged Adam watching his expression turned into somewhat disgust.

"Okay no, your sister in law," he corrected. "Cause if she's your sister, then she'd have to be mine too, and there is no way she's being my sister," he teased. Oh Adam. I pushed him lightly.

We all went to the living room and talked for a bit once my mom came about the wedding and vague plans for it, and I was so excited, having so many ideas I wanted to incorporate. I absolutely love weddings. The perks of having so many relatives, whether they are close or distant are that I always get to go to weddings. And I mean a lot of them, so you could say I'm very well informed when it comes to that subject. Teta, Mama, Sumaya and I were chatting away about the wedding and Adam sat there on his phone clearly bored. It irritated me without a doubt, but that was Adam for you. It's his own wedding and I'm even more excited about it than he is. Or maybe it's just a girl thing?

By the time Sumaya had to leave, I was practically counting down the days until the wedding shopping. It was going to be so much fun. I could hardly wait. Because Adam was taking Sumaya home, Teta went with them, and that left me at home with Mama.

"Mama, since Adam and Teta already left, could you take me to the mosque? I'm volunteering at the evening class there for the little children." I asked her hoping she'd be able to give me a ride, or else I'd have to take the dreaded bus. I'm just that lazy.

"Okay, sure, I just have to finish the dishes, and I'll, wait, on second thought, seeing as you're not doing anything, you do them and I'll get changed!" She snickered and practically skipped upstairs.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and headed to the kitchen where I started getting out the dish soap and squirting the remains into the sink full of warm water. Just then the doorbell rang and I left the kitchen to go open the door. I was surprised to say the least at seeing Cameron Miller standing in the doorframe.

My Dunya (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now