Chapter 7- Pranking Ibby?

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"Okay, we've been planning this for hours now, I think we're ready," I begged Cameron regarding the prank we were ready to pull on Ibby.

We were sitting down on my living room floor with blueprints, markers, phones and tons (and I mean tons) of candy closing in on us from every angle. If my mom had seen the mess, she would have freaked indefinitely.

I stood up brushing candy wrappers from my lap and put our latest blueprint plan down to admire.

"Are you sure you're ready Dunya? I mean, are you actually willing to do this? You know, you're not the most adventurous person out there," he said stressing the word adventurous. "It might actually take some from your perfect girl rep," he stated matter-of-factly.

I stared into his intense hazel eyes now with light shining on them showing flecks of green and gold. "You don't worry about my good girl rep and I won't worry about busting you out of jail the next time you're thrown in the cellar," I said coldly.

I immediately regretted what I said knowing how harsh it came out, but I hated seeing him think he knew me. There's way more than the eye can see.

"It's cute, how you think you got me all figured out, huh?" he said relaxed. "That I'm the big, mean bad boy that everyone's scared of?" he laughed. "Well, do I intimidate you, Dunya?" he said taking a step close to me so that we were mere inches away. I could practically feel his hot breath on my cheek. The move threw me off guard and as I was taking a step back, I stumbled quickly falling. Cameron swiftly threw his hand to support my back before I collided with the ground and it looked like he was dipping me, like in some type of tango dance. I cringed at his warm touch, wanting to put as much space between us as possible. I have to restate my personal space boundaries with him. I don't want him to do anything regrettable.

"I'm, I'm not intimidated by you Cameron. You don't frighten me in the least bit," I managed to say looking up at him.

"Good," he said with a smirk on his face as he helped me back up. "Because there's still yet so much to know about me chaparrita." I was conflicted between my curiosity, wanting to know more or wanting to stay away. As much as I knew he would only be trouble, the mysterious aura of him kept me wanting to know more of his deepest and darkest secrets.

"The only thing I want to know now is how you execute a master plan," I replied confidently, as I saw a smile slowly form on his lips.

We were both standing behind a bush armed with water balloons and Nerf guns. I looked up to the bucket of paint hanging over our front door knowing that this plan was going to work perfectly. It just had to. I crouched down low to get a better view from a space within the bushes.

I had asked Adam to take Ibby with him to the gym instead of me this time because I supposedly had a "tummy ache". I wasn't exactly sure if he believed me or not, but he called him up anyways and he said he'd be there in five. So it was successful enough for me. Right when he would go to ring the door bell, I'd pull the string connected to the bucket of pink paint which would pour over him and that's when we'd attack. The plan was foolproof.

My legs began aching as we were squished behind the tiny bush with limited view of the front porch, and because of the fact that Ibby's five minutes turned out to be twenty. I was growing restless by the minute.

"Can you stop moving?" Cameron snapped.

"I'm sorry, this bush is really making me claustrophobic, and I'm getting tired. How long do we have to wait?" I whined impatiently.

"Just hold on, he'll be here any minute now," he reassured, as I proceeded to slouch down, whilst twigs and leaves were getting all caught up in my clothing.

My Dunya (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now