Chapter 6- Headaches & Promises

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My head was pounding as I walked back inside my house, as if a boulder was doing martial arts inside of it. Too many things were going through my mind, and I couldn't help feel so embarrassed at the fact that Cameron heard me singing. I swore my window was closed.... No, wait, I do keep it a crack open every night to allow fresh air in. Ugh, that must have done it.

No one has ever heard me sing before. Thank God my family are deep sleepers, or else I wouldn't hear the last of Adam's mockery. I just hope Cameron never brings it up again; I don't want anyone to know my little secret. It's sort of a personal thing that I only do when I'm really distressed. So that on top of everything I was going through was making my head do somersaults.

I turned around whilst yawning and stretching out my arms as I headed upstairs. I didn't even have enough energy or time to take off my hijab before I collapsed on my bed in a deep, dreamless sleep.

"Dunya, Dunya wake up habibti, you're going to miss your classes," Teta beckoned as I rolled over in agony.

I tried to reply but my throat felt dry and suddenly my head began throbbing just like it did last night, but it was intensified a lot. My body ached and it felt hard just to sit up. Once Teta caught a good glance at me, her eyes widened in concern.

"Albi (my heart), you don't look very good," she said clearly worried.

 "Yeah," I said, rubbing my temples. "I don't think I want to go to school today," I admitted in a croaky voice. 

"Okay, no worries, you do look rather sick. Plus, what's one day off school, right? Especially with your marks habibti (my love), MashaAlIah (Glory be to God/ used to express praise or admiration)! Anyways, I will be downstairs with some nice hot tea waiting for you," she reassured. "That should ease some of the pain. Oh, and I'll make you some of your favourite banana cookies if you have the appetite. You know, the healthy ones that no one else eats?" She teased.

My mood changed drastically and I sat up excitedly. Yes, I always have an appetite for those delights! "Teta, thank you! That sounds great," I said clearing my throat before I kissed her forehead.

I changed the clothes I found myself in, to a pair of black rayon harem pants, a pink tank top and I  brushed out my long and wavy brown hair before putting it into a quick messy bun. I didn't forget to throw on my fuzzy slippers just as I was about to head downstairs. Those fuzzy little things warmed up my cold toes and I practically felt comfort instantly.  

I looked over to the railing once I reached the main floor of our house to find a post-it sticky note with Adam's chicken scratch he calls writing on it:

You looked like crap this morning, so get better so we can hit the gym tonight. Much love, -Adam (As if I couldn't figure out who it was already)

Leave it to Adam to make a tragic situation uplifting in his own way. There was no way on earth I was leaving the house in this state, let alone going to the gym. The boy's delusional.

I crumpled up the piece of paper and tossed it out. When I made my way over to the kitchen, I saw Teta there slowly brewing our tea, the steam escaping in swift swirls, just like in commercials. Luckily, she already brought out the honey, so I put a tablespoon and a half of it in my cup and watched it dissolve into the once bitter tea. Too much sweetness is never enough, I always tell myself. Even though I could feel diabetes creeping up on me, eh, I don't care. Plus, it's honey, so it's good for you.

I sat on one of our island barstools sipping on my tea and watched, as Teta was finishing up the cookie batter.

 "So, Dunya," Teta started after slipping me a Tylenol pill. "What are your plans for today now that you're free from school for a day?"

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