The Argument

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Mya's POV

After my little "fight" with Arielle, Cheyenne and I started walking to math.

"You do realize that one of the twin teachers teaches this class," Cheyenne said with a little to much enthusiasm.

"Sounds like somebody's got a crush on a teacher," I said with a big smile on my face.

Cheyenne gasps and smacks me in my arm. "You know I'm dating Jordan again." I rolled my eyes. And Arielle calls my boyfriend a douche.

I walked into my 2nd period class, not late, and sat down. I realized that I just sat next to one of the school sluts. Please Lord give me strength not to punch this bitch in the face.

"Ugh. You're here." She rolled her eyes at me and began to suck on her sucker. Typical.

"Yes. I am. Because I'm smart. Y'know 3.8 GPA." I gave her a fake laugh and smile.

"Well everyone doesn't have to rely on brains," she looked me up and down with a disgusted look on her face, "and judging by what you're wearing. You do," she smiled in victory.

"Well brains actually get somewhere. Where as overused vaginas get STDs and start to sag."

Leah, (that's the slut's name), opened her mouth to say something, but then the bell had started to ring.

We all turned to the front of the class. There was this smoking hot guy. Wait isn't that the guy that was outside when I was kissing Beau?

"Okay class," he started, "My name is Mr. Ramirez." Oh my fucking gosh. His low, deep, baritone voice is so hot. Better than Beau's. I scan my eyes down his body. I see little chest hairs peeking out of his button up black shirt. His sleeves are rolled up so you see his muscles, and he has some very well defined muscles. I can't see past the desk, so I only saw the top half of his body.....awe.

"We're going to start by going around and saying one thing about yourself." I rolled my eyes. Like what the fuck are we in, first grade? Leah was the first person to raise her hand.

"Hi, my name is Leah and I like your face." Leah said.

*cough cough "slut" cough*, I mumbled. Leah shot me a death glare and I simply said, "It's not like I'm lying." Mr. Ramirez looked at me instantly.

"Well, why don't you tell us something about you then." Mr . Ramirez stated.

"Wellll," I said like a drunk girl, "My name is Mya, and like Leah over there, I like a good night in a motel room."

Leah started to fake cry and Mr. Ramirez got mad and gave me detention because my comment was unnecessary. I know Arielle is going to glad because she blames me for getting her detention. Which is totally not my fault, but it's whatever. I spent the rest of the class talking with Cheyenne. Once the bell rang Mr. Ramirez held me after class.

"I don't appreciate you making a student cry." He said with a serious tone but I couldn't take him serious because I was drowning in his voice. I couldn't help but feel guilty because I have a boyfriend but I'm checking out my teacher. "Ms. Jones are you even listening."

"Huh, what?" Mr. Ramirez shook his head.

"Uh yea of course," I said hesitantly. God I need to get away from this man before I do something I regret.

"Well, anyways you have detention after school, don't miss it." Mr. Ramirez said.

"Actually can we reschedule that because I have to drive my friend home." I lied because I really wanted to hang out with Beau tonight.

"I'm sure your friend will be just fine."

"But-" I started but immediately got cut off.

"Ms. Jones no excuse. You will attend detention this afternoon or else I will add a week on." Mr. Ramirez stated.

I turned on my heel and walk out of the class. I can't wait to see Leah and give her something to really cry about. Oh I forgot to tell you I have an anger problem. I can control it...most of the time. And it's not like I have anything against Leah she just been pushing my buttons for awhile and it's about time I settle things.

I just know one thing for sure. I needed to stay away from Mr. Ramirez as much as humanly possible.


Sorry about the late update. We've been busy lately. With graduation and all that stuff.

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