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Mya P.O.V

This whole night was a fucking disaster. As soon I get in Mr.Ramirez car I start bawling my eyes out. Arielle was right about Beau this entire time and I was too stupid to believe her. "God I'm such an idiot." I mumbled. I know I'm going to have the worst hangover tomorrow and the whole school will probably find out what happen at the party tomorrow. I look up and see we are far away from my house.

"Where are we going." I asked curiously.

Mr.Ramirez starts chuckling and says, "do you really expect me to take you home like this. We're going to my place."

My eyes almost pop out my head. I can't go home with a grown man. "No that's okay Mr-, I was cut off immediately.

"Please don't call me that. My name is Alejandro." He rushed out.

Alejandro. "That's a very sexy name." I basically purred out since I'm still pretty drunk. I could see Alejandro tense up. I leaned in pretty close and put my hand on his thigh and said, "I could get used to saying that name all the time." He gripped the stirring wheel tighter were his muscles start to bulge through his shirt. I ran my hand against his arm squeezing his muscles and enjoying the sparks I felt when I touched him.

"Why do I feel like this." I asked looking as serious ask could.

"Because your drunk and please stop touching me." He said gritting his teeth.

"You know what I mean, why do I feel drawn to you even though I hate you with a passion." I replied still touching him.

He ignored me and said "We're here." I looked up to a house so big it's like a mansion.

"How the hell did you afford this on a teachers budget." I said in awe.

He just got out the car and came over to my side. Opened the car door and picked me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around him neck and put my head on his chest.

"You know I can walk perfectly on my own. I don't need your help," I stated.

"Are you always this stubborn." He said humorously while he opened the front door. I look around this beautiful mansion as he walked around. I looked in the living room and saw Adonis on the couch reading a book.

"Hi Adonis." I said a little to loud while waving my hand over at him.

He's face went blank and he dropped his book and ran over to us. "Why the hell are you carrying her in at this time at night." He worryingly said.

"I was driving around town and found arguing with her boy-," I cut him off.


He looked down at me with amusement and continued. "Her ex-boyfriend, with tears running down her face so I put her in the car and handled the situation." He said confidently.

"Please don't tell me you brought harm to the boy." Adonis asked nervously.

"What done is done, brother, now if you excuse me I have a drunk teenager to deal with." He walked passed his brother and walked up a spiral staircase. Is that all he sees me as. Some problem child that he has to take care of. He looked down at me again and frowned.

"What's wrong," he asked with concern in his voice.

"Nothing," I quickly lied and looked away. He eyed me suspiciously but chose not to say anything. He opened the door to a bedroom. The room was painted red. His oversized king bed could fit like 12 people in it. He had a desk in the far back of the room with a couch across from it. He had a fireplace across from the bed, a huge walk in closet, and an even bigger bathroom. He sat me down on the bed and walked over to his desk. He opened a drawer and got a medicine bottle full of little white pills. He disappeared to the bathroom only to return moments later with a glass full of water.

"Here take this it will help with the massive hangover your about to get." I mumbled a thanks while taking the pill. "So I guess your not going to school tomorrow. "

"Nope," I said popping the p.

"Good, now I have an excuse to stay here with you tomorrow." He said grinning.

"I'm leaving first thing in the morning. "

"How are you going to leave with no ride?" He must be enjoying this. I quickly realized that I left my keys and purse with Arielle.

"Fuck," I muttered. I fell back on the bed and groaned. "Why does this have to happen to me. Can I at least take a shower."

He nodded and pointed to the bathroom. I got off the bed and entered this over size bathroom. I kicked off my heels and tried to unzip my dress but failed. "Need help." He whispered in my ear. I push my hair forward and bend my head down to give him more access to the zipper. I shivered when I felt his breath on my neck. He took his sweet time unzipping my dress. The zipper was half way down when he stopped and I froze. I felt him get closer until his lips were on my neck and I let out a moan. Suddenly his strong arms were arm my waist pulling me to him and he was fiercely kissing my neck up and down. I tilt my head giving him more access when I was picked up and placed on the counter. Alejandro stood between my legs and pressing me to him so there was no between us. He quickly put his lips on mine and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Our tongues fought for dominance but I let him win. I felt his hands go under my dress pulling it up and I helped him take it off and quickly started kissing him again. I put my hands on his chest and realized he was wearing my worst nightmare. Buttons! I sighed while I had to take the time to unbutton each one with out any help. Finally! I get done and push his shirt to the ground along with my dress.

I broke the kiss to get a good look at him. He had a body of a good with beatiful tanned skin, an eight pack, and a v-line. Which only made want to see the lower half. I quickly realized that I'm in my bra and panties while he still had jeans on.

"Pants.Off.Now!" I demanded. And I unwrapped my legs and cross my arms waiting for him to strip.

"I've never took off my pants on demand before." He said stubbornly.

"First time for everything. " He sighed and reached for his belt buckle. When his pants dropped so did my mouth. When I say he's huge I mean he's HUGE!

"Like what you see."

"Pssh I seen better." I heard a low growl and out of nowhere I was thrown over his shoulder. I start pounding his back. "Put me down." As soon as those words left my mouth I was slammed on the bed. Alejandro got on top and me and start nibbling at between my collarbone and my neck. And I was suppressing a moan when he bit my neck. I let out a scream but it soon turn a loud moan. He flicked his tongue again the bite. And looked in my eyes and said "Mine." And that's all I remember before I blacked out.

Fuck it! I love himWhere stories live. Discover now