The Morning After

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We're so sorry for our delay on updating. MAJOR writer's block and and a bunch of business. Its been almost 2 weeks since we've updated so I'm happy to present you with this chapter




Serveral things felt different when I woke up. First of all, this bed is way to comfortable to be my cheap full size bed. Second of all, I have the worst fucking hangover. Third of all, there's a muscular arm keeping me anchored to the bed. Memories of last night flooded my mind. I can't believe that bastard cheated on me. I mean he kissing two girls wouldn't be counted as cheating for some people, but I don't care.  Even after I gave him two years of love, he wants to cheat on me with some whore, not one, but two,  cause I didn't have sex with him. He's such a pig.

I tried to get up from the bed, but Alejandro growled and pulled me back.

"Where do you think your going," Alejandro growled and pulled me back down. I decided to mess with him a little bit. I rolled over and got on top of him and leaned in and kissed him. He stirred a little so I decided to go further. I felt his "friend" poking me. So I decided to rub a little. He moaned, but he was still asleep. So I did that some more and his not-so-little friend started to get bigger. As I started to rub more vigorously a hand came down on my mine and piercing golden eyes stare at me.

"What are you doing," he asked.

"Waking you up. Is it working?" Alejandro just stared at me. I got off his lap but once again he pulled me back and he flipped me onto my back. His eyes showed lust.

"Unless you want to get into certain acts that your not ready for I suggest that you stop what you are doing." I slowly pulled my hand from between us. I smiled at him and he glared at me. He got up from the bed and went out of the room. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that I was not only in bra and panties but I also had a hickey on my neck. I touched it and I shivered, thinking of last night. But im still mad he put this huge hickey on my neck. I went downstairs and smelled food cooking. I followed the scent to the kitchen. Alejandros back was turned to me.

"You son of a bitch!" Alejandro turned around with a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"What?" He said while eating.

"How do you explain this." I pointed to the purple mark on my neck. Alejandro's eyes looked at the hickey and smiled, then his eyes skimmed down to my chest.

"Hey, eyes up here." He looked at my face and his are back to the piercing golden eyes that I've grown accustomed to. I tried to fight my lust for him the best as I could. As I started to get myself under control I felt Alejandro kiss my neck. The place where he left his mark. His mark...Oh hell. What am I thinking? I pushed him off of me. I slapped him and crossed my arms. Alejandro held his cheek with an angry expression on his face. He started to walk away, but not before I give him a piece of my mind.

"You took advantage of me while I was drunk. What were you thinking? And the fact that I'm still in bra and panties is kinda weird. Also, your my fucking teacher!"

"Shouldn't you be yelling at your friend. She is the one who let you come home with me. And she left you alone with your ex-boyfriend. Also, just a tip. Don't ever drink again."

"I'll try to pretend that I didn't hear that last part. But other than that you are right. I'm gonna have a serious talk with Arielle." Alejandro came over to me and brushed his hand across my cheek. I gave him a hug while still in bra and panties. I felt his hand go to my butt. I quickly put it back to my lower back. He chuckled and I hit his chest. I looked up and started feeling his muscles. Alejandro took my hands off of his chest and put them behind my back.

"Go get some clothes on," I started to walk away when he slapped my butt. I glared at him and walked away.

"Wait, didn't you cook breakfast?" I walked to the kitchen and saw this spread of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, biscuits, hashbrowns, and a fruit bowl on the large, expansive table.

"Where did this come from. I never saw this here. And weren't you cooking something on the stove?" I asked him while he was walking up to me.

"Well Adonis convinced me to make you breakfast this morning." Aw, he's so sweet.

"I'll be sure to thank him." I grabbed some food and sat down on the couch.

"So what are we doing today," I cross my legs sensually.

"Well you are going to school."

"No I am not. And besides I don't have my car," I said popping a strawberry into my mouth.

"Yes you are and I can drive you." He moved my legs from the couch and sat and the end of the couch. He put my legs on his laps and started to rub them.

"Wouldn't that be weird for a teacher to be driving a student to school." I started to rub my feet on his lap.

"Stop," he said huskily. I immediately tucked my legs under my butt.

"What are we," I asked out of nowhere. Alejandro looked confused.

"Like are we together now?"

"Yes. I would think so after our sexual encounters."

I crawled over to him and got into his lap and kissed him hard on the lips. Then decided to mess with him. I quickly got up and moved to the love seat and crossed my arms.


"You have to ask me first." He rolled his eyes and walked over to me. He got down on one knee. "Mya Jones, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend."

"No." Alejandro's face dropped and I start laughing and said, "I'm just kidding I would love to." He scooped me up and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

Fuck it! I love himWhere stories live. Discover now