1- Want

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Chapter 1

[marshall's pov]

"What are you doing now?" The frail old woman in front of me asked.

"Restarting your phone; it should work just fine after this!" I exclaimed, grinning. I looked down at the iPhone 4 in front of me, and watched as it turned back on, the before blank screen was now lit up like it should be. An image of a poodle popped up as her lock screen, and I chuckled, handing it to her.

"Thank you, young man!" She exclaimed, and shook my hand.

"You're very welcome."

She shuffled over to the counter to pay, her pleated pants stopping just above her ankles. She pushed her gray hair out of her face and looked up at my co-worker, Dean. I looked around me at the people buzzing from one Apple product to another, trying out each one. My chin met my chest as I peered down to straighten my name tag, not really having anything else to do.

I walked around a bit, seeing if anybody needed help with anything. I was about to tell some kids not to play with the iPads so violently, but stopped when I saw a girl come in. She had jet black hair that fell down her shoulders in perfect curled ringlets, and breath-taking pure blue eyes. She wore a blue sundress that just went down below her knees. She scanned the small store, as if looking for something in particular.

I was on my way to ask if I could help her with anything, but Dean made it to her first. I saw him talking to her, and she shook her head, not saying a word. Her small hand gripped onto the strap of a gray messenger bag as Dean walked away and she started to weave throughout our numerous displays. I watched her place a hand over her pink lips, as if thinking.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Dean said behind me, making me jump in surprise.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but eventually gave into the smile that wanted to make an appearance.

"If you won't, then I will!" He exclaimed, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his phone.

"Excuse me?" A small, sweet voice said behind me.

I turned, and saw the girl. "What can I help you with?" I asked, excited to be able to talk to her.

"I'm looking for a new phone." She said.

"In that case, follow me." I led her to a case with different generations of iPhones in it. "Here we have an arrangement of phones, they're all different generations. I recommend-" I stopped as she put a finger over her mouth.

She looked at me curiously, furrowing her black eyebrows together. "Oh- don't stop; I'm not telling you to; it's a habit of mine. Continue." She said quietly.

I cleared my throat and continued. "I recommend that you get one of our newer generations of phones, so that it's more up to date. Would you like to try an iPhone 5?" She nodded, watching me unlock the case and get one down for her to try.

As she observed the light device in her hands, I noticed she had a semi-colon on her left wrist.

"How much does it cost?" She asked.

I told her the price, and she furrowed her eyebrows together once more. "What's the point of paying more, when all that's different from the 4 is a few features? I'd rather save my money; all I need is a phone."

"It has more add-ons for the camera-"

"I have an actual camera for that, I don't need anything fancy. I'll take the 4." She stood on her tip-toes trying to reach it; I grabbed it for her and she walked to the counter, to Dean who was smirking at me.

"I'm also going to need your number, in case if we have to contact you about... Technical matters." He said, and she raised an eyebrow, but gave it anyways.

She's so quiet, but I can tell she's smart. The way she dodged my offer of the iPhone 5 and went with the 4 instead; I've only seen a few people do that before.

[bay's pov]

I was pretty sure that this guy just wanted my number. I gave it to him, though, and watched as he wrote it on his hand. The guy that helped me find a phone was watching me, trying to be discreet, to no avail. I was handed a bag with my device inside, and thanked him.

I turned around to leave, and the guy who had been watching me was now bent down at childrens' level, asking them kindly to not be so rough with the iPads. I smiled slightly at his gentle interaction, but was snapped out of it as thunder clapped, making me jump in surprise. I heard the downpour of rain on the roof of the small building, sounding like the roof was made out of tin. I slid my Apple bag into my messenger one, and zipped it up tight before placing it over my head and running outside.

As I ran, I couldn't help but think of the guy in there who had been staring at me- his dark brown curly hair that was swept lazily to the side, and his gray eyes that watched me from behind. He wore a blue shirt with the Apple logo on it, and some cursive writing from a tattoo was peeking out through the sleeve. I hadn't read it; I had no reason to.

I jogged to the bus stop, rain running down my exposed skin, and stepped on just before it left.

"A dollar." The man at the wheel grumbled.

I dug into my pocket and brought out a dollar bill, placing it into the jar and making my way to the back of the bus. I reached into my bag and pulled out my Polaroid, facing towards the windows. I looked at the rain drops racing down the glass, and remembered how as a kid I used to try and guess which one would make it first. I snapped a picture of it, and then at the interior of the crowded bus. People were scattered here and there, each going to a different place. Who knows what their stories hold, but I captured a moment in time. That's what photography is, anyways- capturing moments and memories.

I looked at the couples that sat together, a familiar hurt stinging my heart. I sighed, and looked back out my water-streaked window. I wiped a tear away as quickly as it had come, and run my hands down my face before realizing I had make-up on.

[marshall's pov]

"So how about that girl today?" Dean poked.

I wiped the displays down, moving the devices into place. "What girl? There were plenty of girls in the store today."

"The one with the curly black hair and the blue eyes?"

"What about her?"

"She's hot, huh?" He asked, mischief twinkling in his eyes.

"I wouldn't say hot, necessarily..."

"Oh, come on! I saw the way you looked at her! But its too late; I got her number, and not you!" He mocked.

"Dean, look at your hand..." I said, stifling my laughter.

"Wha... Awe come on!" He cried, rolling his eyes.

The number was no longer on his hand; he must have washed it off by accident. I burst into laughter, and he got angrier with me. "You think this is funny?" He growled, and I laughed even harder.

"Yeah, mate, I do! Hilarious! Look who's cocky now!" I went over to the window and flipped the sign to 'closed'.

"Yeah, but now none of us have her number!"

"She's probably got a boyfriend, Dean, she wouldn't want you anyways." I smirked.

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