6- Iron Gate

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Chapter 6

[Bay’s pov]

Marshall had taken me home, since Diana and his friend were still dancing. He offered to come in and stay with me, but I still had enough sense in me to refuse- he was lucky I let him take me home. I shuffled into my room and collapsed on my bed, not bothering to change.

When I woke up, my head was pounding.

I shouldn’t have gotten drunk last night… Never again.

I was glad I didn’t have work today; they were taking stock and I highly doubted I would’ve been able to focus. I got up and checked my phone, pulling down the dress that had ridden up my waist. I decided to text Diana and see if she got home okay.

To: Diana: ‘Did you get home okay?’

I threw my shoes off and shuffled into the kitchen, grimacing as the bright light shone through my curtains. I grabbed a bagel and some Advil, taking the pills before I sat down on my couch. I groaned, remembering the essay I had to do. I managed to pull myself off the couch and into my desk chair instead. I rubbed my eyes and focused on the laptop in front of me; my fingers slowly typing.

[Marshall’s pov]

“What’s this, then? The seventh time you’ve come in for work hung over?” I asked Dean, smirking as he walked in.

“Shut up… I don’t want to be here.” He grumbled, pushing past me and taking over my other co-worker’s spot once they left.

It was early still, so there weren’t many customers… Yet.  I pushed up the long blue sleeves of my company shirt, and grabbed my sketchbook, the worn paper covered in intricate drawings of whatever inspired me.

“You drawing that girl?” Dean asked, peering over my shoulder.

“That girl’s name is Bay.”

“Oh, so you are drawing her!” He teased, and I shrugged, making it seem like it wasn’t that big of a deal. “Awe, look at Marshall, he’s got a crush.”

“A crush? Really? What are we- seventh graders?” I asked, a hint of a smile on my lips.

“You sure act like first-graders.” A woman’s voice said behind me; both Dean and I turned to see a girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes grinning at us, wearing a short-sleeved company shirt.

“Who’re you?” Dean asked, running his hands down his face.

“I’m Angelica; the new trainee. I believe Marshall’s supposed to train me…?” She looked at the both of us, and I stepped forward a bit.

“Nice to meet you, Angelica, I’m Marshall. I wasn’t told I would be training employees…” I said, and she frowned.

“Dude, it’s what the manager does. You wanted this job so badly, I would’ve thought you’d know every last detail about it.” Dean commented, referring to the promotion.

“Oh… Right. Well then, will you be working on the floor, or in the back?” I asked, sounding as professional as I could.

“The floor.”

“Okay, why don’t we walk around, and you can tell me what you know?”

“Sounds great.”

As we walked around, I noticed Dean eyeing Angelica up and down. She had a perfect figure- shaped like a bottle, and she had a great smile, but she was too perfect for me. I couldn’t help but think of Bay- how her long curly black hair cascaded down her shoulders and her blue eyes sparkled when she smiled; her pink lips turning up to reveal the teeth that had a slight over-bite, but it was perfect. She was so reserved, though, she kept so much to herself. She reminded me of the type who would rather stay at home and read than go out with friends; leading me to wonder where she grew up, and who raised her to be so closed. I chuckled lightly, my mind wandering off track to the club I ran into her at. She barely had anything to drink, but acted as if she had been downing shots all night.

“So how’d I do?” Angelica interrupted my thoughts, sighing as if out of breath.  I honestly didn’t hear a word she said after ‘sounds great’.

“Uh… Dean, how do you think she did?” I called from across the store that was slowly filling up.

“You’re the manager, although she probably does great at everything.” He smirked, looking up from the monitor in front of him.

Her eyes widened, and I rolled mine. “You did good; just walk around and if anybody needs anything that you don’t know about, come find me.” I smiled politely, and she returned the smile, nodding.

“Alrighty! Thanks for showing me around the room!” She giggled, practically jumping from foot-to-foot in anticipation.

I chuckled. “Anytime.”

[Bay’s pov]

I ran my hands down my face as my essay was saved; I finally was finished. I went to the photography class online and submitted it, sighing in relief.

I need a coffee…

My phone vibrated as I stood up, receiving a text.

From: Diana: ‘Yeah. Damn, how much did I drink?’

To: Diana: ‘No clue, you were too busy dancing on that one guy.’

From: Diana: ‘His name’s Dean, I think… It might be Dan, actually. I’m on my way over.’

To: Diana: ‘What? Why? When?’

I took a look at my appearance; I still had on my dress, and my hair was probably a knotted disaster. I jumped up and ran to my room, peeling the tight dress off of me and hopping around like a maniac squeezing into skinny jeans. I put on a plain gray long-sleeved shirt and ran to my small bathroom, combing my hair as I brushed my teeth. I finished brushing and threw the toothbrush down; it almost landed in the toilet.

I washed my face and walked back into the living-room, grabbing my bag just as I heard a knock at my door. I looked through the peep-hole, and saw Diana, her red hair up in a bun. I opened the door, slipping into black Toms.

“So why’re you here?” I asked, leaning back on my couch.

“Hello to you too.” She grumbled, and smiled.  “I’m taking you out somewhere.”

“Where?” I asked, grabbing my phone as she pulled me out the door. “I’d like to know where I am going…”

“Hush up and relax.” I quickly grabbed my coat, and slid into it as the cool autumn air wafted past.

I sighed, buckling. I watched Diana start the car, pulling out of the apartment complex.  I reached into my bag and pulled out Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

“How did you get home last night? All I remember is dancing with Dan… The rest is kind of a blur.” She admitted.

“Marshall took me home.”

She gave me a look, smirking. “Take you home take you home?”

“No! You should know me better than that; Diana. I’ve barely just met the guy! He drove me home, that’s it.”

“You didn’t even invite him inside?”

“No, why would I?”

She chuckled, shaking her head. “No reason.”

The rest of the ride was spent in silence as I read, only looking up from the book when Diana spoke up again.

“We’re here!” She exclaimed, and I gasped as we pulled in, seeing the eerily familiar iron gate.



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