51- What Can I Say?

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Chapter 51

[Marshall's pov]

201. That's how many squares are on Bay's ceiling. I kept waiting for them to leave. I waited for hours and hours, just laying there in the dark. I eventually got out my phone, but that couldn't even entertain me enough.

I got hungry, and went out to grab something to eat. When I got to the living room, Thomas and Diana were gone, leaving Bay to sleep on the couch.

I sighed; that's why I had been waiting so long. They probably left when she started to fall asleep. I ignored the growls from my stomach, and instead gently shook Bay's shoulder. I pushed a lock of black hair out of her face, causing her to crinkle her nose.

I had three options: I could carry her to her bed, I could put a blanket over her and leave, or I could wake her.

[Bay's pov]

I opened my eyes, and Marshall was sitting by the couch; his face inches from mine. I pushed a stray curl out of his eyes, and looked around.

"I fell asleep, then?"

He chuckled, "yeah, and for a while I guess; I was in your room the whole time."

Then it hit me- I had completely blown him off this evening. I looked at him again, so kind and understanding, and all I was this evening was selfish. I remember him getting up, but I didn't see where to.

"Marsh I'm so sorry. I was so selfish." I looked down at my lap, shaking my head.

When I looked back up, his features were calm. He had slightly-furrowed eyebrows, and his grey eyes were focused on me, watching my every move. He ran his tongue over his lips before speaking,

"It's alright. Everything's fine; don't beat yourself up over it. I was just lonely, is all." He ran his fingers slowly through his hair, before smiling.

"So I'm not going to lie; I was pretty curious about the whole joke about Subways. . ."

"Oh!" I laughed, "we were all in New York for something, and we decided to take the subway. Thomas, being the good person he is-"

"I'm a good person, aren't I?" He interrupted, pouting.

I laughed and nodded, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "The best. Anyways, he decides to let this old woman have his seat. She responded by kicking his shin and telling him that she wasn't that old. This happened three different times to him all on the same trip." I laughed again, remembering how red the women's faces were, and how they each went for his shin.

He chuckled, "yeah, okay that's pretty funny."

"I'm really sorry that I neglected you."

"Like I said, don't worry about it. I know you love me," he teased, grinning as he sat beside me on the couch. He pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him, and brushed his nose against mine.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, looking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "that's why I came out in the first place."

"Ice cream okay?"

"Always. It is always, always okay." He got up, and I stood again; making my way to the freezer.

I pulled out two tubs of ice cream- Neapolitan, and Chocolate.

"I think I broke the scoop last time. . . spoons?" I asked, spinning on my heel to the drawer where the spoons were. When I turned around, I was met by a hand with ice cream all over it. He spread it all over, and grinned, satisfied.

"How's it taste?" He teased.

I inched towards him, and he took a step back. I dug the spoon into the carton, and stuck it in my mouth.

"Pretty good, but I think you should try it for yourself." I flung it at his face, where it stuck on his left cheek. I immediately burst into laughter, watching it slowly move down his face.

"Oh, it's on." He grabbed the chocolate, and a spoon while I snatched up Neapolitan, going to the corner.

Ice cream started flying. I had pretty good aim with spoon-flinging, whereas he had terrible aim. I ran to my room to escape the flying dessert, and went right into the bathroom. I shut the door, turned the light off, and stayed still.

"C'mon, Bay, I know you're in here!" He sang, and I found myself holding my breath.

I thought I heard footsteps moving away, until the door swung open. Marshall flung himself at me while I squealed under him, laughing as his fingertips pushed into my sides.

"Okay! I surrender, I surrender!" I laughed, and he finally let up. I was now laying on the floor, with him straddling me. He leaned down closer to me and licked my cheek.

"Ew!" I exclaimed, before he laughed.

Our eyes locked in the adjusted darkness, and I pulled him down to kiss me. Our lips locked, and he ran his tongue over my bottom lip.

"You know how much of a mess this will be to clean up?" I asked, moving his hair out of his face again. He needed a haircut, but I liked it this length.

"I've got a pretty good idea."

"You fed your cat, right?"

"Yeah, but it's probably gone already. Enough talking; kiss me. I missed you tonight." He dipped down to connect our lips again while my fingers lightly tugged at the tips of his hair. He let out a soft moan, and the kiss became more passionate.

"Mm, how romantic," I stated once we tore apart for air, "kissing while covered in sticky ice cream, laying on my bathroom floor."

"What can I say; I'm a romantic."

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