Chapter 15: I'm not the best for nothing

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Chapter 15: I'm not the best for nothing

Hailey's POV

"I'm gonna attempt to punch you in the face, then you should dodge it," Tristan tells me and I nod.

We've been training for about two hours now and my limbs hurt like nobody's business. The fight is in an hour and we haven't finished training yet.

I do as Tristan says and I sway my body to the left as he throws that punch and I immediately dodge it.

"Good, not the best... but still good," he says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna go freshen up," I say to him and begin jogging to the back door of my house.

I immediately run upstairs to my room and take a five minute shower to get rid of all the tension in my body.

After showering, I put on my black sports bra and panty then I put on black gym tights and a black croptop. That's my fighting colour-- black.

Having done dressing, I put my hair in a ponytail with a hair tie and put on my black running shoes. Before heading out, I grab my sports bag filled with all the clothes I need after the fight, since I'll be sweaty, and I grab my white mask.

It's enough that one person already knows my real identity.


"Ready?" Tristan asks as I throw myself on the passenger seat of his car.

I give him a slight nod.

"You'll do good, not professional good, but good," he teases.

"We'll see about that," I retort.

The drive to the illegal arena was short. It was about ten minutes from my house.

"I'll meet you in the changing rooms. I'm sure you know your way around here," he says as he opens the passenger door for me.

"Aren't you a gentleman tonight?" I coo.

He rolls his eyes before saying, "Did you even hear what I said?"

"Yeah, you'll meet me by the changing rooms. Got it," I roll my eyes and start making way to the entrance.

I enter the arena and the same smell that I know for about a year now enters my nostrils, making scrunch my noise in disgust. You would think I am used to it, but who get used to the pungent smell of alcohol, vomit, and sweat?

Not me.

I walk right past the checking-in desk and continue making my way forward to Henry's office. With each step I take, I try my best not to turn around and make a run for it.

I love fighting, but on my own accord and when I do it to get rid of the day's stress or whenever I get seriously angry. Fighting for Henry on the other hand, is not my choice.

I was forced to fight for Henry a year ago. He has been training me ever since and made sure that I became one the best fighters in his gang.

Yes, he has a gang, but I'm not part of it. I couldn't be involved in it due to some deal he made with my brother.

No one knows about my involvement with Henry because he swore to protect at all times. He even claimed to love me as his own daughter, but I never took his word for it. I have been looking over my shoulder everyday of my life, making sure that I'm always on guard before one of Henry's enemies or even one of his gang members pounce on me.

I reach the entrance to Henry's office, but it is guarded by two mean looking men.

"What is a pretty little girl like you doing here?" One of them ask.

"Oh, sorry I am lost," I mutter sarcastically.

"Feisty, I like it," he says and I roll my eyes.

"What do want here?" The other guys asks.

"Oh I don't know?" I say sarcastically. "Maybe I'm just standing in front of Henry's office because I'm what, lost?"

"Don't play stupid, if you wanna get in, then you know what to do," he says with lust visible in his grey eyes.

"I'm so disappointed in you guys, how do you think Henry would react if he found out that you wanted to sleep with his best fighter?" I ask with a smirk tugging at my lips.

The guys stare at with as if they've just seen a ghost. "Your lying. Henry's never letting a girl fight for him," one of them says.

"Don't believe me, call him yourself and make sure to tell that Haze wants to see him," I say mischievously.

"Y-you're Haze?" The other guy asks.


"B-but you're a girl."

"Jeez, tell me something I don't know and newsflash-- everyone knows Haze is girl. Now will you get out of my way?" I ask impatiently.

The nod and make way for me to enter the office. I swing the doors open see a smirking Henry seated behind his desk.

"Glad you finally made it," he grins maliciously.

"Feeling's not mutual. How much am I getting tonight?"

"Five thousands dollars."

"Okay, see ya!" I make my way back to the doors I came in through.

"Oh and Hailey?" He stops me in my tracks. "Yeah?"

"You better win tonight."

"I'm not the best for nothing," I say before walking out.


A/N: Do you guys think that Hailey's gonna win?

What do you think her brother did to get Hailey involved with Henry?






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