Chapter 39: You

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Chapter 39: You

My legs become heavier and heavier with each step as I drag them. My knees feel the struggle of my legs and they are on the verge of buckling. Man, I'm exhausted. The stairs seem more steep than the last time I laid my eyes on them. I hold my elbow to my nose to block the sneeze that escapes from my lips.

"Bless you." Tristan says while ushering me to my place of sleep. It's about midnight and I think everyone has already caught up with their daily slumber. That'll be me on the passage floors if I don't reach my room. We finally reach my modern and new place of comfort, also known as my room, and Tristan follows my trail inside.

"Are you gonna sleep now?" He asks.

"Yep. Too tired." As if on cue, a loud yawn escapes my lips.

"Right. Of course. Goodnight then." He places a soft but lingering kiss on my cheek; enough to send my cheeks burning in the fire he transports to my veins.

"Goodnight." I smile and place a quick peck on his lips. His eyes light up, a flint of joy ignites inside of him-- I like that I have that effect on him.

"Can also get a kiss on the cheek?" He grins.

"Out." I roll my eyes, and lazily point in the direction of the door.

"Okay, night." He gives my cheek one more last peck, before walking out of the quiet room and shuts the door.

I don't change out of Tristan's hoodie because I'm fighting a losing battle with my friend, sleep, and I enter the safety of my blankets, perfectly sandwiched between the soft mattress and the linen blanket. Fit for the queen I am.

My eyes automatically close themselves as the warmth of the bed reaches every part of my body. My mind starts replaying all of today's crazy events. The fight with Nate, which I undeniably won, thanks to all of my fighting skills. I actually feel sorry for Nate. How hard must it be for him to cope with losing the girl he undeniably loved to one of his bestfriends. The love he sowed and perfectly nurtured for a long period of time to make sure it grows in perfection, was lost. He waited for the correct time to harvest his love, and finally gathered enough courage to give it all to a special girl who he thought would water it everyday. Sadly, the one he thought would take care of it, only used it on someone else. Captured another person's heart, leaving his in shattered glass pieces on the dirty ground. He had lost everything.

Poor Nate.

In a flicker of a second, my mind wonders to the highlight of the day: the kiss. A simple action that is able to leave one's mind in utter chaos, confused for days. You search for the meaning, but every dictionary doesn't seem to contain what you're searching for. You might even resort to counting the petals that cling to the stem of a flower, just to see if the simple action has a meaning. It can cause emotional turmoil, havoc and frustration.

The simple kiss caused foreign emotions to arise from the deep trenches of my nervous system. The sparks were real, the electricity was intense, shocking ( see what I did there? ). The cold water around us turned warm... hot. The cold wind carried us to another world, a world above the clouds, our own secret place. The immense contact made us one, like we couldn't live without each other's hearts.

But the question is... was it love or lust?

Before I can answer my remaining question, sleep finally wins and I surrender to it, allowing it to swallow me with its pit of darkness.


The sound of a beeping phone steals my slumber. My eyes flutter open to gaze upon my phone dancing fervently on the night stand. Moonlight peaks through the grey window curtains, signalling that we're still at the peak of night. My phone says the time is still 1 a.m. I only slept for and hour. A message notification dominates a small section of the lockscreen and I open the message to reveal words that I have not read in a while.


Boss needs to see you urgently on Friday.


I throw the phone besides me across the bed. Why can't he give me a break? I have been under his arm for about three years. Training and sweating in order to reach what he sees as flawless. Doesn't he think I need time to recover from all of the hits throughout all those years? Or does he not have the slightest of heart to let me be for at least a month?

A knock on the door interrupts my mental banter. I allow the person to enter, and in comes a gorgeous male model without a layer of clothing to cover his abdomen and the valley outlining his well-defined abs is clearly visible. There's without doubt that he works out everyday to maintain such a body.

A cough from my mouth pulls me out of my reverie, as Tristan walks over to sit on the other side of my bed after gently closing the door. The bed dibs at his weight and he raises a hand to place it softly on my forehead.

"Uh oh. I guess I better start planning my funeral." He says in a rather serious manner.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"You're coming down with a fever and a cold." He says sheepishly.

"What?! This is all your fault. See? This is why idiocy is not required." I exclaim.

"Hey! Idiocy sometimes leads to being a great scientist." He retorts. "Besides, at least you don't have to go to school."

"I'm not even gonna comment."

"But you just did."


"Thought so."

"What are you doing here anyway?" I look into his eyes and shifts closer to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I rest my head on his bare and comfortable chest and he says, "I can't sleep."

"Why?" I focus on his calm heartbeat, his chest rising up and going down with every constant breath.

"My mind was over thinking." His cheek is warm against my forehead and I snuggle more and more into his arms, enjoying every minute of it.




A/N: there you have it guys... chapter 39. Man, we've come a long way.

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