Chapter 45: I was once in love

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Chapter 45: I was once in love

"Don't you think I know that?! She's my daughter for heaven's sake!"

Silence is what is left after those words have been spilled. An ant crawling, on the ground beneath us, can be heard. No one dares to break the silence screaming loudly in our ears and everyone's tongue is tied. Even a funeral is a party compared to this dead room. Tristan's grip around my waist tightens with tension, but I don't bother asking him to loosen his hold.

"I can't." Henry's shoulders deflate in defeat. His elbows lean on his vanished desk and he buries his head in his palms.

"W-What are you trying to say?" My voice comes out like a whisper, as I try to comprehend the message he's trying to convey.

"Sit down. Both of you." He commands us.

We don't argue and we just follow his instruction, taking our seats on the comfortable leather arm chairs.

"I was once in love," he starts off. "I was happy, all giddy inside, unable to contain the smile that would appear on my face each time I would see your mother." My breath pauses with the sudden information and my hand balls up into a fist, but I don't interrupt him.

"She was the most beautiful woman I had ever set my eyes on. Before I knew her, I could only smile with my lips, but after she made an appearance in my life, she taught me how to smile with my face as well. We were both madly in love with each other. She already had a son then, your brother, and I also loved him like my own. His father was still in the picture. Frank, I think. He supported Melody financially, but I gave her care." Henry's fists clench in anger.

"Then one day, she approached me, demanding to know who I really was. Apparently someone had told her about my illegal ways. I told her the truth, everything she wanted and needed to know. I told her about how I worked with Luther and that time I was still involved in his mafia. Your mother was scared about how I might've endangered her and your son, especially our unborn child, you. I was shocked but happy hearing the news, but sadly your mother said I couldn't be part of your life while I was involved with Lucas. I tried reasoning with her, claiming that I will protect you guys, but she refused." Pain and melancholy radiates from his words and face, and tears begin to gather in his pain-stricken eyes.

"B-But how did you find me?" A thick lump in my throat makes it difficult for me to utter a coherent sentence.

"Your brother involved himself with some wrong people. So I took him in and made sure no one was after him. He never remembered me since he was too young, but as years went on, I told him. He was angry at first, but nonetheless told me about you. I fell in love with you since your mother mentioned you, but hearing him speak about you deepened my love. I convinced him to let me meet you, but it was too dangerous for anyone to find out that I'm your father, so instead, I pretended to say that you're in danger because of your brother, and that the only way to be projected was if you join me."

"But what happened to Conner? What caused him to leave without a word?"

"Luther found out about your good fighting skills, especially for a young girl, but your brother and I couldn't allow it, so he took your brother instead. He didn't tell you in order to protect you. It was the only way."

"Why are you telling me now? After all these years..." I feel the anger rising inside of me.

"I couldn't risk anyone finding out! Luther has his men all over and if knew, who knows who would've died."

"But I had the right to know!"

"I know that, Hailey! But I couldn't risk losing you. Not again..."

"What happens if I refuse... to join him?" I change the subject.

"Then someone you love might die."

"Like Monica Rose?" This time it's Tristan who asks. 

Monica Rose?

The woman who died during the fire?

"She was your wife, wasn't she?" Tristan asks again.

"Yes." Henry sighs. "Luther caused the fire, but that was because something else which I shall not mention."

"How did you know that he left the note?" I ask Tristan, referring to Henry.

"Wild guess." He winks at me.

"Note? You entered the hospital?" Henry's eyebrow rise in amusement.

"More like broken in." Tristan corrects him. "It was Jordan's idea."

"I'm not suprised Jordan hasn't changed." A slight smirk pulls up his lips.

"I think I'm gonna go now." I stand up from my chair and Tristan follows me.

"He wants you by Sunday Hailey." I hear Henry say one last time before we close the door behind us.

Henry's revelation stole every ounce of oxygen inside me. Pain and deceit squeeze my heart, making sure that every blood vessel fights for its life. How could my own mother lie to me for such a long time? Had she never once had the urge or the thought to tell me that Henry is actually my father? She has been cooking me in a pot of lies my whole life, without sparing me a speck of truth. Had she been trying to forget her past that much that she even decided to keep her daughter locked up in a foreign room?

"I didn't expect that." Tristan speaks up.

"Yeah..." I sigh.

"Come here." He pulls me into his embrace and I melt into his arms. His honeydew and musk scent welcomes me and my hold around his waist tightens, and I pull myself closer into his embrace. His chin rests above my head as he also pulls me closer.

"I-I can't b-believe she lied t-to me." Tears prick my eyes and I try to swallow the growing lump in my throat.

"It's okay, we'll get through this." He kisses my head and that's enough to calm down the raging turmoil in my mind.

"Thank you." I kiss his chest.


"Being here." I look up to connect my tearing gaze with his sad one.

"Anytime, Angel." He pecks my lips. "Let's get out of here. I'll buy us some McDonalds."

"Are you trying to fatten me up like a cow?"

"Yes, because you are my cow and I want you meaty." He grins.

"Only you Tristan." I giggle.


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