Chapter 52: I don't have a gun

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A/N: this chapter is a bit steamy ( just thought I should warn you )

Chapter 53: I don't have a gun

Hailey's POV

I watch the glittering stars dancing and celebrating their bright lights in the dark clear sky while parading around the proud full moon, singing silent but loud songs of praise. Today's night sky is much brighter, the moon looks happier than before and it clads the forest with its brightest blanket of light. Sort of like asking nature to celebrate life with it.

Barks and barks of trees, tall trees and small ones, surround the wooden house, hiding it from the dangerous world. This offers a bit of comfort, but nonetheless digs a well of worry of what might creep out of the shadows of the night and fill me up with waters of fear.

A soft whispering wind hugs my body, biting my exposed legs and leaving trails of goosebumps behind. I found Tristan's hoodie in one of the rooms of the house and it reaches my mid thigh and covers just enough. My boy-leg panties look like short tights so I'm not really bothered.

What happened earlier tonight caused armies of fear to arise in my conscious. Something that feels so foreign yet familiar. I once feared the thought of my brother coming back after he left but I became used to it until it became my friend and soon... my past. My current fear is like no other, it's different. It's like I've tasted it for the first time tonight although it has been on the shelves for a long time.

I stare at the phone in my palm and a mixture of emotions appear on the black screen, reflecting exactly how I feel. Taking a leap of faith, I unlock the rectangular device and dial the number I fear hesitantly. I raise the phone to my ear and the person answers after a few seconds.

"Sweetheart? I missed you..." She says but I cut her off.

"Mom, who's my father?" I ask immediately and ignore the tears threatening to spill.

"W-what?" She's shocked at my suddenly vague question.

"Who's Henry?" I ask a different question.

"Who are talking about?" She asks.

"Don't lie to me, Mom. You know what I'm talking about!" I snap at her.

"We'll talk when I co--" She says sternly, but I end the call before her voice carries more lies.

Could she really be lying to me? Her own daughter. Has she been using a blanket of lies to comfort me this whole time?

"Hailey?" A voice calls behind me, pulling me out of my reverie.

I turn my body to face the familiar source of the voice and I smile at Tristan as he steps out to the balcony where I've been standing. "Hi." I greet him.

"Is that my hoodie?" His eyes scan the hoodie but also travel down my length.

"Yep," I nod. "I just find really more comfortable." I admit.

"It's cool," He smiles. "And actually makes you quite the eye catcher." He smirks and wraps his arms around my waist.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I roll my eyes to hide my blush. "Where were you?" I ask him, since he has been gone for quite some time.

"I went to fetch a few stuff for you and to tell my mom to call the school." He explains.

"What for?" I prod further.

"Well you can't walk around in my hoodie forever," he chuckles. "Not that I mind though." He winks.

"Tristan," I playfully slap his toned chest. "That's not what I meant." I roll my eyes.

"I know," he pecks my forehead. "It's just..." his eyes travel somewhere else.

"What? What's wrong?" I cup his cheek so he looks directly at me.

He doesn't say anything but shocks me by connecting his lips with mine. Electricity sparks through me as his lips move against mine and I waste to time in responding. Our lips move in sync, never stopping to even catch a breath. My hands travel to his neck and I tug his hair to pull him closer. He releases a soft moan of pleasure and I smile against his lips.

His lips leave mine, but only to connect with the skin on my neck. He leaves hot trails of kisses around my neck and jawline, before stopping at a spot below my ear and starts sucking on it. I soft moan of pleasure escapes my lips and I pull him even closer.

In one swift movement, he picks me up, causing my legs to automatically wrap themselves around his waist. My chest is now pressed slightly above his but he pays to heed to it and connects his lips with mine again. His hands explore my bare thighs and travel up to my bare waist under the hoodie.

His touch is warm and no doubt making unknown feelings erupt within me. I remove my lips from his and move them down to his jaw and his neck. He seems to be enjoying it and next thing I know is my back making contact with the soft matress.

Tristan's body hovers over mine and my legs are now loosely wrapped around his waist. He once more connects his lips with mine while his hands travel up the hoodie to explore my back. I tug his shirt, wanting for it to be removed and he gets the message before pulling it over his head and placing his lips on my neck.

My hands travel around his naked torso and feel every curve of his muscles. He seems to relax at my touch while his lips caress a small area above my collar bone.

"We need to stop," I hear him whisper in between every kiss.

"I..." my breath hitches when his hands caress my hips and waist and I feel him making another mark slightly lower than my collar bone.

"I won't be able to control myself any longer." His eyes meet mine and I notice the lust swimming inside of his brown orbs.

"What if I don't want you to stop?" I smirk at him.

"Really?" His eyebrows rise in hope.

"Nah, just playing with you." I chuckle.

"You don't play with something like this," he groans. "Or else..." he moves his lips close to my ear.

"E-Else what?" I stutter.

"Or else... this!" Tristan's fingers begin tickling me and my body curls beneath his to stop his ticklish fingers.

"Tristan s-stop," tears begin to escape my eyes.

"Say the magic words!"

"I have a gun."

His hands immediately stop and he gives me space so that I can get up.

"Never thought a girl would say those words to get rid of me."

"Life suprises us everyday." I laugh and bend my legs inwards into a cross-legged position.

"I guess," he shrugs. "Who would've thought my girlfriend would even posses a gun?"

"I don't have a gun." I argue innocently.

"Sure... like you didn't say you had one a minute," I retorts sarcastically.

"How else could I get what I want?" I mischievously wink at him, and stand up from my sitting position to walk to the door.

"I'll never understand you." I hear him mutter to himself while his footsteps resonate behind me as I walk down the stairs to the spotless kitchen.


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