Chapter 25: Oh no. I'm the girl!

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He moves his lips down to nibble my ear lobe and I try to hold in a soft moan. His body is slightly pressed against mine, his arm snaked tightly around my waist. His lips move down, caressing every area of my neck. His lips are soft and they leave a trail of kisses along my neck. Tristan places kisses on one spot, his lips not moving away, and it begins to hurt but this time I enjoy the pain. I bite my bottom lip to hold in the moan at the back of my throat but fail. A soft moan escapes my lips and Tristan smiles against my skin when he notices that he found my weakness, but still continues to plant kisses on my neck, this time going closer to my collarbone. He lifts his head up and stares deeply into my eyes, but his gaze shortly drops to my lips.

"Don't do that," he says.

"What?" My voice almost sounds breathless.

"Bite your lip. It's too damn attractive." His eyes find mine again, the lust in them has increased. He leans closer, until our lips are a few inches apart, our noses almost touching.

"Watching you tonight was a turn on." He smirks and leans in even more closer. Our lips about two centimeters apart, then...

"Haze." Someone interrupts the moment.

Chapter 25: Oh no. I'm the girl!

You know that moment when you're so engrossed with a movie and you don't even on blinking because you're scared you're going to miss something very important? Or that moment when you can't seem to get your eyes unglued from the TV, but your mom interrupts your movie with her constant yelling, saying that you didn't do your chores, and then she grabs the remote to switch off the TV. Or that moment when you're having a movie marathon with your friends and the electricity decides to cut off, and your have no choice but to reside in playing truth or dear in a candlelight.

That's what just happened. Except, this time I'm in the movie. I'm in that scene where something exciting is about to happen but the TV switches off and we don't get to see what happens next.

"Y-yes?" I look to see a man calling me, probably one of Henry's wingmen.

Tristan pulls away from the close distance between us, leaving a cold space floating around me.

I can't believe he almost kissed me!

Was I gonna kiss him back?

Did I want to?

Heart: yes!

Brain: You can't you idiot! Remember you can't risk being hurt again!

"Boss wants to see you," the man says and I give a slight nod. "Coming."

He walks away, leaving me and Tristan alone in an awkward silence. No one utters a word. Just silence. I do regret not leaning into the kiss as well but what if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he was just going to kiss me as he kisses his other flings? What if I am just a fling? Millions of questions continue to baffle me. Never ending loops and swirls of thoughts explore my mind. I really wish Tristan could reciprocate my feelings as well, but I don't think he does.

"We should get going." Tristan's words liberate me from my thoughts. I nod and feel Tristan's hand in mine, and he guides me to Henry's office. I know where it is, but at this moment, I can't find my sense of direction.

We reach the office and we enter. Henry's not alone. There's a mean looking man seated right besides him. He looks like those cold-blooded men that commit stone cold murder. Those men in the movies who kill for a living, not caring about the hundreds of lives he's taking.

Tristan's hand in mine tightens, his anger increasing. His eyes narrow into thin slits at the unknown man next to Henry. Seems like he knows another enemy.

How deep was Tristan involved with Henry?

"Tristan, Henry told me you started paying visits," the man addresses him. "So I thought I could come and see for myself." The man's voice drips with a malicious mannerism.

Tristan lets out a humorless bitter laugh. "We all know that's not your reason for your sudden visit."

"Can't I visit my old friend?"

"Just cut the crap and tell me what you want, Luther!" Tristan barks at the man-- Luther.

"Oh, it's not you I want. It's the girl." A devilish grin takes over his lips and he intertwines his hands together.

The girl?

Who is she?

"You're not taking her anywhere!" Tristan yells.

"You don't have a choice and you know that!" Luther's face darkens.

Meanwhile, Henry's sat next to him, but what seizes to amaze me is that his awfully quiet for his usually talkative self. It's as if something or someone has taken away his freedom of speech. A stoic expression covers his face, which is something I don't see very often.

Something wrong.

"Hailey's not going anywhere!" Tristan protectively stands in front of me, pushing me back and sheltering me with his body.

I'm the girl?

Oh no. I'm the girl!

"You of all people know the rules! And no one can go against them!"

"Your damn rules killed my sister!" Tristan barks. His veins are showing, his face is red with aggravation.


"That was her choice!"

"You sick bastard!" Tristan spits.

He grabs my hand and pulls me along with him, just as he did a about a month ago when I found out about his association with Henry.

What is happening?


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