Chapter 17: Nope just want to go home and not listen to you

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Chapter 17: Nope, just want to go home and not listen to you

Tristan's POV

The bell rings, signalling the start of the match.

Time to see what this girl's really made of.

Hailey or Haze  and her opponent move closer to each other and Thunder immediately throws a right jab to her face, but she manages to block it. He then throws a punch right into her stomach and she fails to block it, causing her to stumble backwards, but still manages to stay standing.

As Thunder attempts to throw a left punch, Hailey blocks it and hits him with a left uppercut, sending him stumbling backwards. She doesn't give him another chance and she kicks him on the left rib side, causing him to fall in pain.

I guess she identified his weak spot. Smart girl.

Thunder tries to find himself on his feet again, but Hailey kicks his right knee, resulting in him falling on one knee, and Hailey finishes him off with a right jab to the face and I notice him already seeing the stars.

Goodnight Thunder.


Hailey's POV

I manage to knock out Thunder and his body slams to the ground and I can feel the vibration of the floor as his body comes into contact with it.

The crowd begins to count, "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..."
The crowd goes into a wild cheer and stands up while clapping their hands frantically and the sound of pure cheer fills my ears.

I love the sound of victory.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our winner, and still the undefeated champion... Haze!" The announcer says.

After the mini celebration, I exit the ring and walk towards the changing rooms and Tristan's perfect body comes into view.

How does he manage to look so sexy in just a plain white shirt and black jeans?

But I'm not complaini--

What am I saying?

Control your thoughts Hailey. Many guys can look hot in those clothes.

But not as hot like Tristan.

Control your--

"Done checking me out?" Tristan's irritating smirk pulls me out of my train of thoughts.

"Nope, just looking at all your flaws," I say nonchalantly.

"I bet you found none," I really wants to slap that smirk off of his face.

"Nope, found tons."


I enter the changing room and quickly strip off my sweaty sports clothes. I take a quick five minute shower, allowing the water to remove all the tension and strain present in my body.

Finished with my shower, I put on fresh clothes that I packed in my duffel bag and put my wet brunette hair in a messy bun.

The pain in my stomach hurts so bad, it makes it a tad difficult to walk-- that guy really threw that punch.

I finish up and leave the changing room. "Way to take a whole year to change," Tristan says.

"Stop exaggerating," I roll my eyes.

"I have to go to Henry," I say and start walking in Henry's office direction.

"I'll go with you. I don't trust that douche."

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