Chapter 24: I don't have a weakness

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Chapter 24: I don't have a weakness

I pulled into the school's parking lot and as if on cue, the bell signalling the end of school for the day, rings. Students flood out of the building, in a hurry to escape the trap called school.

I open the door and step out, receiving shocked stairs from people. Nicole, in specific, is shooting me a dangerous glare. Doesn't she have a boyfriend?

I ignore all the weird looks people are sending me and I casually lean against the hood of the car. Tristan's familiar chiseled figure comes into view, with an amused smirk colouring his face.

"Must say, you look hot standing by my car like that," he says, standing in front of me. Before I can fully digest his words, Tristan wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My breath hitches and his familiar honeydew, and another manly scent I can't decipher, makes it hard to breathe.

"You should wait for me like that more often," he locks gazes with my eyes and I'm almost lost in those brown orbs that contain a bit of lust and an emotion that's hard to read.

"Tristan, you're making everyone stare," my voice comes out too high for my liking.

"I would stare too," he winks and lets go of me. I take a few seconds to release myself from that trance.

"You coming?" I want to smack that smirk right across his perfect beautiful face.

I get in the driver's seat and ignite the car, making it roar to life. I pull out of the lot and zoom off towards our next destination.

The arena.

We arrive at the arena around ten minutes later. The car ride was filled with silence but I couldn't help but ponder at Tristan's earlier actions. Was he teasing me?

We exit the car and walk into the familiar building. Tristan and I walk side by side and he wraps an arm my waist. Again. This simple gesture almost sends my legs failing beneath me. Luckily, his arm supports my balance. He leads me through the crowd until we reach the dressing room and his arm drops around my waist, leaving an unfamiliar coldness behind.

"Hurry up. Fight's in ten minutes." He informs, before allowing me to enter the changing rooms.

I strip off my clothes and wear my sports, short tight. I throw a hoodie over my shoulders to cover my sports bra and I zip it up, before bandaging my hands and putting on my training shoes.

Satisfied with my look, I pull the door open and walk out to see Tristan talking to Drake at the info desk. I walk over to them and they stop their conversation to stare at me.

"Someone's hot today," Drake whistles flirtatiously.

"She's off limits," Tristan growls.

"Sorry bro, didn't know she's yours,"Drake raises his hands up in surrender.

"I'm not--"

"Let's go," Tristan cuts me off and drags me by the wrist towards the ring.

"What was that all about?" I inquire.

"Nothing." His face has darkened. His eyes almost resemble a dark orb. He's hardcore, hard to read-- his mask is back on again, and words cannot begin to explain how I detest it. He always uses it to shield his feelings. He uses it as a cover up, so that people can't see through him. But I can.

"Everyone, next to enter the ring, give it up for, Blade!" They announce the fighter, my opponent. "And his opponent, the undefeated, Haze!"

The crowd goes wild, and cheer pervades the arena. The crowd settles down at the ring of a bell, signalling the match has started.

I scan Blaze's body for any fresh bruises or weaknesses. I find none. Looks like it's going to be a tough one.

Without warning, he throws a punch straight to my face and I stumble back but regain my ground.

It's not gonna be that easy.

He throws a fast jab but I block it. I then throw a fast uppercut that throws him to the ground and avoids leaning on his left shoulder as he falls.


He stands his ground again wipes off the blood that seeped through a cut on his lips. He throws a straight punch to my face, but this time I block it and reverse with a hard punch to his injured shoulder. He groans in pain and I take it as my chance to roundhouse kick him in the face, sending him unconscious to the ground.

The count down begins. "3...2...1..." The bell rings. I won. Again. As always.

"Still the undefeated champion, Haze!" The crowd goes wild. They errupt with pure cheer and I enjoy the sound once more.

I leave the ring and make my way back to the changing rooms. I don't make the effort to change but I do splash some cold water onto my face. I notice the soft bruise forming under my jaw when I look into the mirror. It hursts. Bad.

You would think I'm used to pain. But who can ever get used to it? I've experienced physical and emotional pain, but I wish I hadn't.

I grab my duffel bag and leave the room to find Tristan leaning against the wall lining the hallway.

"Aren't you going to change?" He quirks an eyebrow.

"Too exhausted," I shake my head.

"So, you always your opponent's weakness each time you fight?"


"What's your weakness?" His arm gently brushes against mine and unexplainable electric sparks flow through my body.

You're my weakness.

"I don't have a weakness." Lies.

"Oh really?" Without warning, my back is shoved right into the wall, luckily it didn't hurt.
A feeling of déja vu overcomes me as I remember the day Tristan shoved me into the lockers, demanding for my name.

"Are you sure you don't have a weakness?" His breath is once again dangerously close to my ear.

"Y-yes." Seriously? These are not moments to stutter.

He moves his lips down to nibble my ear lobe and I try to hold in a soft moan. His body is slightly pressed against mine, his arm snaked tightly around my waist. His lips move down, caressing every area of my neck. His lips are soft and they leave a trail of kisses along my neck. Tristan places kisses on one spot, his lips not moving away, and it begins to hurt but this time I enjoy the pain. I bite my bottom lip to hold in the moan at the back of my throat but fail. A soft moan escapes my lips and Tristan smiles against my skin when he notices that he found my weakness, but still continues to plant kisses on my neck, this time going closer to my collarbone. He lifts his head up and stares deeply into my eyes, but his gaze shortly drops to my lips.

"Don't do that," he says.

"What?" My voice almost sounds breathless.

"Bite your lip. It's too damn attractive." His eyes find mine again, the lust in them has increased. He leans closer, until our lips are a few inches apart, our noses almost touching.

"Watching you tonight was a turn on." He smirks and leans in even more closer. Our lips about two centimeters apart, then...

"Haze." Someone interrupts the moment.


Cliff hanger!

I hope you enjoyed your first Tristan and Hailey moment. You'll be getting more of those from now on.

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