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Sayori and I stepped foot into the classroom. It seems that she wasn't necessarily fabricating the truth when she said that this club was a little outcast; there are literally three people here.

From the distance, approached two other girls- one tall, fluorishing in height, a seemingly mature girl, with long, ravenous purple hair- and another, petite and precious, with bubble-gum pink hair, who I figured was a first-year student.

"Ugh, Sayori, don't tell me he's going to be the new member you said you'd invite!" the little one snarled.

"Natsuki... Why are you ever so fleeting to judge?" spoke the tall one, with a quiet tone. It seemed that the little girl with the pink girl's name was Natsuki; I've never seen her around, so it's safe to assume that she is indeed a first-year.

It took me a while to decipher what was going on, but when I did, I jutted my eyes in Sayori's direction and glared at her, as she returned sight with an innocent shrug. She lied, straight through her teeth.

"Oh, way to impress him with your stupid vocabulary Yuri. But it's not working, I thought we agreed- no boys allowed. Monika!" Natsuki boasted, clearly almost sexist when it comes to her precious club.

Monika timidly patted Natsuki's shoulder. "Now now, Yuri's right, Natsuki. Please don't try to scare off our new member so soon."

Looking around at the plethora of the group, I finally realised the benevolence in joining this club; it had contained only a selective few of the cutest girls I've ever seen in this school.

Yuri smiled ever so lightly, as her face blossomed like a rose, indicating her timid nature. "It's nice to see somebody else who appreciates the literary bonds of reading and writing... I'm glad you decided to join." she smiled once more.

Setting down her books on a bland, undecorated podium, Monika intervened our conversation. "Well, it doesn't seem that a proper introduction is needed, now that everyone's name has been dispersed already... But as Yuri explained, that's the basics of literature here in the club. Reading, and writing!" she said, seeming almost shy to introduce me.

"It's nice to meet you Yuri," I spoke, glancing at Natsuki, arms folded a few desks away. "And you, Natsuki."

Natsuki flinched and stared into my direction. "...Y-you too, I guess. Sorry for being rude."

Monika smiled at me in an assuring manner. "Well, we're not going to be doing much today, excluding the plans that I'll be managing on my own... For today, you can socialize with others, and get to know them if you so please." Monika waved her hand around the room in a presentful way. "Please, take a seat anywhere, or stand if you're more comfortable."

"Thanks Monika." I replied, releaved that she was lenient for today. I took a seat next to Sayori, which was in an arrangement with two other seats parallel to the others, in formation of a table.

Clearing her throat in a timid way, Natsuki spoke, "So, what kind of books do you like to read?"

Quickly, I retraced my literary past, and concluded that the genre for me was certain; horror. "I'm a fan of suspense and horror, and a little bit of romance."

Suddenly, Yuri's eyebrows furrowed, as she seemed like she was on the verge of replying to me, but closed her mouth awkwardly, cheeks flushed in an adorable, rosy manner.

I like this girl, Yuri. She seemed mysterious, mature, and at the same time, adorable. I feel like I should get to know her some time, maybe outside of school.

Natsuki grunted. "Ugh, you're just like Yuri. How can you compare boring old horror to action and adventure?" she said, holstering her satchel up to her desk, pouring out a surfeit of colourful manga. "This is where the fun is at!"

Next to me, Sayori chuckled in her hand, trying not to laugh alloud.

"What're you giggling about?" I whispered to her.

"If Natsuki ends up bothering you, just ignore her."

"Are you kidding me? You tricked me."

"Hey... You deserved it. Hehe!"

I guess I did, at least I can still put a smile on her face by doing this not-so-majour favour for her. Plus, these girls are too cute to let down.

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