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I sat down on the polished, wooden floor, and signaled Yuri to take a seat next to me. From my handbag, I took a small bag of chocolate squares that I had bought on my way out for dinner last night, hoping that Yuri would appreciate some of them.

She sat down to the right of me, and watched as I held my book open. She seemingly had a difficult time focusing on the page, "It's a little far away..." she said, shuffling closer to me, as the sides of our bodies brushed against each other clemently. The sides of our bodies were completely linked, and she seemed to be leaning on me a little.

I looked at her, seeing her expression of melancholy and calmness. "Here," I began, holding the book in between each other.

"That's better..." she thankfully said.

In the event of turning each page, she seemed to be inching closer to me, her left arm soon resting on my leg, and her cheek softly smushed to my shoulder. It was progressively getting much more difficult to read, with her ever so romantic touch.

She nudged herself closer every few minutes or so, she even appeared to have turned her torso to my direction, breasts practically around my arm. A few more minutes. She had sort of wrapped her arms around mine, clinging to me in a frail and dependent way.

"Do you want some of these?" I asked her, as I held up the bag of chocolates. She peered up, after leaning on me heavily. "...I wouldn't want to get smudges on the pages." she said, smiling lightly. "But thank you, -kun."

"You're absolutely right." I complied, taking one for myself, and popping it into my mouth. I watch her scan the pages, seeming to have a difficult time focusing again. I take another, and hold it up to her mouth.

Yuri parted her lips, and held the chocolate in her mouth. For a few seconds it seemed that she was unaware of what I had done, in result of this, she widened her eyes and looked at me, eating the chocolate slowly.

She suddenly melted in bashfulness, her face radiating heat. "-kun..." she spoke, standing up, pulling me alongside with her. The gracefulness of her forceful strength and her desiring grasp made me think nothing of it.

Yuri drug me into the back closet, closing the door carelessly, and staring at me intensively, her face inches away from mine, holding both of my hands in a feeble way. "I just can't help it anymore... I don't even want to read anymore, I just want to look at you, please let me do that..."

I could hear her breathing becoming more and more intense, the darkness of the closet accompanied by the wetness of her breath to give me a heavy sensation of heat. I didn't have the ability to speak due to poor reaction. "I want too look at you forever..."

"Haah... Haah-hah... Aahh..." her breathing seemed to escalate into a more sexual tone each time she breathed. "-kun, -kun, -kun... Aah-haah..."

Suddenly, the doors pleated, Monika standing idle, showing no reaction. Yuri had a bewildered expression planted on her face, shaking her hands as she still grasped onto mine; I could feel her fear.


"...It's time to share poems! Did you have time to write a good one for today, -kun?" Monika said, seeming to have an erased recollection of what she had witnessed.

I nodded, as I retreated from Yuri's grasp, "Yeah... I made one last night."

Monika clasped her hands together. "I'm glad!" she said cheerfully, "I'll be sharing poems with Natsuki for now, but I'll get to you after that." she claimed, walking away.

Yuri grabbed my hand once more. "I'm sorry for everything -kun... I don't know what came over me, I just, just... don't know how to react when someone treats me as equivalent to perfection as you do..." she stared into my eyes. "Don't hate me, please, please don't hate me for this..."

I hold my hand to her's, gripped to my other. "Relax Yuri, I know you're just excited, it's okay." I let go of her grasp, and held out my poem to her.

"Do you want to read what I wrote last night?" I said to her, holding my paper out with my hand.

Yuri nodded almost immediately, taking the paper from me. It seemed to have taken her a little longer than expected to finish reading it. "You're such a good writer, -kun." she said, "Can I take it home with me?" she asked.

I suppose that my magic had worked, she even wants to take it home with her. But suddenly, I realised that I had to share it with the rest of the girls, too.

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