XII. Debauchery

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I couldn't help but act immediately, though I didn't understand what was going on– Especially in my head. I held the temple of my head and shifted my hair back, tenderly grabbing Yuri,  her shoulder blades resting on my left arm, whilst I use my right to hold her by the crease of her legs and eluding from the harsh weather.

Before I even sat her down, I glanced at her wet, pale, and despondent face with a feeling of rush and worrisome eyes.

I don't get this feeling often– Nor this look. Normally, I'm pretty phlegmatic, I don't experience things this sudden and squally.

Her body shook.

"Yuri," I began, fondly lying her down on the couch, "Yuri..." I muttered. I couldn't think of anything to say, let alone ask.

Thoughts shot along the walls of my mind, wondering if this was punishment for doing what I had done with Monika. Nonetheless, I was still unsure whether or not mentioning it was even worth it at this point.

Her attire was her school uniform, she had been wearing it all day.

"Please talk to me..." I asked solemnly, kneeling down, hands clasped amongst her's.

Yuri's eyes opened vaguely, as she came back into realization that she was quite frigid. Suddenly, she sat up and widened her eyes in glee, still shaking from her matted, wet clothing.

"-kun!" she wailed, her voice more up-to-par than her looks.

She returned grip to my hands, and gazed lustfully into my eyes. "You did come to get me... I knew you would!" she claimed, slightly bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Of course I would," I began, shaking my head in disbelief, "Let me get you some clothes to put on for the–"

"N-no! No, I don't want to wear clothes," she stammered, "I've been waiting to get out of them for hours on end..."

Without hesitation, Yuri closed in on me, yet again, backing me into the wall nearest to us. She awkwardly began palming every part of my body, traveling her hands all along my body yet again. "I'm not afraid anymore, -kun!" she cried into my face.

Yuri's ability to maintain her breathing stability dropped rapidly; she breathed heavy, hot breaths with intervals of suspending giggles, her face inches from mine.

"Haah, haah-hah... Ahh... Ah-haah..."

"I could feel your skin for hours..." she told me, as she withdrew from her lascivious grasp from my abdomen, and began violently lashing her clothes off of her body.

Abruptly, a slight, yet muffled cling noise resonated seconds after she tossed her clothes behind her.

Her eyes jutted down to the floor, "Oh, yes!" she shouted, bending down to shuffle amongst her wet clothes.

Yuri enticed me so, as her plump, fetching ass caught my attention immediately, centimeters away from my hips.

I twitched in confusion, temptation, frustration... I couldn't think properly.

What had earned the sight of my eye was more so that Yuri turned her head to where I could only see her glaring, sadistic eye that stared at me in hunger. Her face struck with red, burning blotches, indicating her urge to covet me.

She retracted her hand from the clothing, intense breathing growing heavy once again. From within her clothes, she had whipped out a stainless steel, ice-white balisong knife.

"Ah," I muttered in slight shock, as she seemed to be careless to whether or not she strikes the skin.

It was one of those knives you'd see in those Otaku stores in commercialized shopping districts. Honestly, it looked kind of cheap, and weird for a sophisticated, beautiful girl just to have in her pocket.

With a steady unbutton to my uniform, I joined Yuri confidently, removing my shirt. She assisted me, taking the buttons off from the bottom-most portion of it.

As expected, as Yuri and I made contact with our skin, she uttered a lewd moan, and clasped her hand to mine, our palms unwieldingly holding the balisong knife together.

"Pookie..." she moaned, her leg kneading into the gap of my thighs. Her warmth was unbelievable. "Waiting for hours was worth the pain!" she said, her buxom breasts pressing up against my chest.

I felt bad for leaving her alone, I really do. "Yuri," I began, pausing whilst she ran her nose softly up along my neck. "I will never ab-" I stopped myself, thinking of a better way to assure her, "...I will never keep you waiting again."

Yuri let out a quiet, enlongated sigh near the end of my words, and clasped my palm around the balisong knife.

Her and I held each other in a lethargic, yet romantic way ogling into our glossy eyes. She spoke, "Please do this for me..." she murmurred, guiding my hand towards her face, the thin blade she left in my hand resting limply on her lip.

I widened my eyes, "W-what?" I stuttered.

"I-I like the warmth of my blood..." she claimed, "This is one moment I've always wanted to share with you." Tears interrupted her fluent voice, "I want to see it on you pookie!"

She took my hand forcefully and slid the blade almost ruthlessly along her lip. A fresh, red slit seeped with blood.

"Mmhh, mmhh, aahh-hh... Mm-yeah..."

Her adorable, heightened voice rung peacefully in my ear.

Yuri drug her bottom lip up along my chest, leaving a warm, thick trail of blood riding up my body.

Within seconds, an acute, rough strike shook me, right on my hip.

"Ah! Damn..."

Yuri flew off of me, as the knife drove into the carpeting. She looked at me deeply. The knife must have slipped and cut my abdomen.

"It's not your fault... I'll get a rag real qu-"

"N-no! Let me do this!" Yuri said, gripping the waistline of my pants and pulling them down, buttons remaining fastened together.

My manhood bashfully flung out in front of her. It felt erotic to watch as she gazed at it in lust.

With a swift motion, she proceeded to stroke me at a slow yet satisfying pace, and advanced to my chest.

Yuri sucked upon the minor wound with precision, mewling lightly in joy.

It tickled me a little bit, causing me to flinch every once in while, but I let it happen.

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