XIII. One's Secret, Another's Collusion

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That night I sat on the already-clammy couch, due to Yuri's unendurable panic, which sent her to slumber within my arms.

My chest still stung from the sharp wounds, the mess Yuri made of her lip continuing to seep out ever so slightly. The blood seemed to have hardened, and stuck quite uncomfortably amongst my chest.

I needed to get to sleep. I feel guilty enough committing to this relationship that Yuri and I had established, and missing school for almost an entire week just wasn't going to make it any better.

Luckily I was able to rest my head sooner or later, Yuri had successfully worn me out.

The sidereal morning provided me with enough motivation to get out of bed,

Yuri had also seemed obligating to leave the house for a day. I managed to

grab the rest of my documents and whatnot that I needed for the day, successfully walking out of the door with Yuri holding onto my shoulder in fatigue.

My legs shook a little bit from last night's hours of penetration. Half of me couldn't remember what we were doing after I was struck with her knife.

I looked at her. I wondered if she was still carrying it.

Today's weather was quite satisfying. I sat through most of the periods of the day in a rather dark atmosphere, due to the lack of light escaping through the thickened, almost solidified clouds. I was comfortable with the type of isolation it provided.

Upon walking to sixth period, I was halted.

With little wariness, I felt my body bump against another, as I stumbled back, almost dropping the books I was carrying. I shook my head in exasperation, "Can you see right?" I muttered rudely, looking up to see who I was talking to.

Unfortunately I picked the wrong person to rub off rude with; Natsuki stood still, her mouth puckered up in discomfort. She folded her arms and rolled her eyes to the side, "Can you be cool?" she snarled, "Oh, that's right, you're UN-cool."

I sighed reluctantly, knowing that I could probably ease her mind off with a little reassurance. "My bad," I said, approaching her slightly with a diverge in my tone, "Good to see you today."

"I'm not Yuri." Natsuki scoffed.

I gestured my hand in a way to get her to follow me, in which luckily, she did. "And I'm not here to hurt your feelings."

Natsuki shook her head, "Really? Because that's all you do now." she claimed, still venomous in tone. Our pace changed shortly, as it seemed now I was just following her to her class. "You seem to stop caring about me-" she paused, growing a little red, "Us... And now, you're doing whatever Yuri wants because she's got boobs."

"Ack-" I blurted compunctionally, "Shut up..."

Natsuki chuckled, fists on her hips pridefully. "You know it's true!" she said, turning a corner, where I stopped; I was going a little too far back to be even remotely on time for my class.

"Whatever... Just, be cool. I know you have some sort of grudge on me, or something, and that's fine. Be mad at me all you want, just tell me what I can do to fix it." I finally conceded.

She stopped, faced me, and opened up her mouth.

Before she could answer, I had to intervene, "And don't tell me to stop talking to Yuri."

She closed her mouth and shook her head in denial. "Then..." she began, tapping her chin, "...You can come over and help me bake cupcakes with Monika."

I gulped. "Monika?"

"Yeah, Monika, silly..." she started, "And I don't want you bringing Yuri over. Just tell her you're going to Disney Land or something."

"That will never work," I said, hinting at her careless sense of thought, "She'll never buy that."

Natsuki shook her head and waved her hands in the air weakly, "Your choice, I guess we'll just hate you forever." she said, her back facing me as she walked into her classroom. I could see her giggling slightly the side of her head, seeing that she's just playing me for an idiot.

I sat through my classes, anxiously waiting to go to the clubroom and greet everybody after a while; walking there gave me a feeling of anticipation. Fortunately for me, class seemed to fly by, just like the time had recently.

I made my way down the halls, barely any people in sight. I actually felt a little excited to see the girls today. Feeling this way, I began to question if it was just my newly-conceived thoughts of lechery that went through my head so often lately.

As I walked in, sure enough, Monika threw me a serene smile. "Hey! You seem under Weltschmerz this morning, bud." she said.

I dropped my bag down by the door. As expected, Monika seemed to have completely echewed from what had happened the other day. I could see deep in her gleeful smile that she felt at least a little salacious about my arrival. Despite that, I had to question, "What does that mean?"

"You know," she said whilst leaning down, head resting in hand and legs crossed, "Down, moody- Am I right?"

Monika's posture seemed almost too inviting, a little promiscuous. "A little, I've just been out of school too much.

I turned my head to see Natsuki, Yuri, and-

Almost in disbelief, I shook my head, Sayori had returned. I watched her from the front of the classroom, waving her hand idiotically in the air, ample smile planted amongst her face.

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