X. I Know It's Not Right

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I found it almost fallacious that Monika hadn't many relationships in the past. I mean, Monika? Almost impossible... She's too pretty to be outcasted.

Hinting to my confusion with a raise of my eyebrow, I replied, "Really? You're a gorgeous girl, I would've expected otherwise."

Monika blushed slightly, seeming to be at a loss for a reply. Her and I had spent a short while in silence as we indulged on our beverages, taking a glance or two out the window to watch civilians walk by intriguingly.

"So," she began, stirring the cold remains of her drink with a spoon playfully, "Did you?"

"Did I what?" I asked. I may have forgotten what we were discussing before the interim of consumption.

Monika giggled, "Silly... You're so oblivious," she said with a trivial expression, "You know, did you like the intercourse?"

I sighed and held the temple of my forehead in distress, "I'm not really comfortable talking about that."

She dropped her spoon in her cup and smiled, "No problem, bud," she began, hopping down from her seat winsomely, "Wanna head out now?" she said, holding out her hand in front of me.

Was she signaling me to hold her hand?

"Yep," I replied, taking her hand as her face grew slightly rosy. She held a soft and limp grip on my hand as we walked out of the cafe, "Thanks for treating me, you didn't have to pay me."

Monika laughed comfortingly, "Let's just say it's a thanks for being the role model for motivation in the class." she said.

"Where are we headed to?" I asked her, sort of just following her lead, hoping she wasn't just dragging me along to loiter.

Turning to respond, Monika still had the same gushy red print aligned across her cheeks. "Oh, my place, to part ways, if you're okay with that..."

I nodded affirmatively, "No, no, not a problem."

We seemed to be out quite late, night dawned upon us shortly after we left, anyhow.

Monika's deep blush died out after  while of walking, her hand still clasped to mine, and often swinging it around joyously. "I'm kinda sad that we can't just have sleepovers," she said, and paused for a while.

"Sorry... I'm sure that makes you feel weird," she said, retracting her hand from mine. "You don't have to hold my hand, I just wanted to make sure you were close to me," she stated, looking directly at the night sky, "I've always wanted to be close to you."

I widened my eyes in surprise, Monika was a little outgoing for someone who claims to be inexperienced with relationships. I raised an eyebrow and smiled, "I'm your friend, don't worry about me leaving."

"You're amazing," Monika said bluntly, "Like, I can't get over your smile, it's so cute..."

Upon reaching Monika's home, it took me a while to come into realization on how large it was, almost seemed like an appartment building to me at first; it was odd to see a home this large in a group full of commoners' settlements.

"Holy shit," I commented crudely, "It's like a manor..."

Monika giggled aloud, "What? Not a chance, I've just inherited a lot from my relatives; I have a history with modeling in my family."

"Modeling?" I said, though it took me a while to digest the fact that she was a beautiful girl after all. "I can see that, but you seem so diverse."

Her and I simultaneously turned our attention to the final purple portions of the sky fading to dusk.

Inching closer to me, shoulders touching, Monika looked at me as I continued to gaze at the sky. "I am different, I don't like being the same. Sort of why I like being president and stuff."

Another long pause.

"Don't listen to Yuri."

I lost focus on the sight of the night, and turned to Monika attentively. "Huh?" I stumbled.

"Ah," Monika began, "You're probably a little sleepy again," she said, grabbing both of my hands, her same soft grip colliding her smooth palms to mine. "I'll wake you up, so you can walk home energized..." she said in a sudden, lecherous tone.

Whilw she spoke, she enclosed in on me, growing in force as she managed to push me up against the marble wall of her housegates.

Her eyes lowered, seeming to be lost into mine, Monika ogled at me from inches away. I could feel the heat from her face stinging against mine, submissing my guard down as I let myself loose, which triggered Monika to close her eyes and pursue closer.

Her lips pressed against mine softly, our arms dropping in unison as her and I linked arms and pulled each other closer to each other.

Our heads fixated in multiple directions slowly, sopping our moist lips together.

Monika uttered adorable, precious mewls every once in a while as she indulged on my returning kiss.

With grace, we pulled away from each other and stared at each other in lust. "-kun, I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up." I barely even finished my response as we continued to kiss and kiss without hesitation.

The overt roughness increased rapidly, as she ran her hands up and down my body, and occasionally I'd stroke her hair with surrounding purposes.

She retracted once more, and pulled me down to the grass lightly, holding me tight. "I want you to take me, right here..."

"Can you hear me?"

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