Chapter (1)

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Welcome to the Eastern side of  Brooklyn, New York.

Here you have BedStuy, Brownsville, Canarsie, and Crown Heights.

In these parts you can get shot for just looking at someone wrong, your ass beat for wearing too much of one color, or killed by a cop for just chilling with yo boys outside on "da block.".

I grew up in Brownsville, said to be one of the "most dangerous" neighborhoods New York city has. Which shouldn't be a lie considering the fact that right now I'm standing behind a cop watching as one of the most loving ladies in my building, cling on to her son who has just been shot in the chest.

My mom always talks about moving, but she knew that we could never leave. Our lives were rapped up here, and it will forever be no matter how much we hate it.

"GOD WHY!" Her tears were painful to see, and i knew her heart was broken past repair.

"Come on Nani." Pulling on my little sisters hand i lifted her up onto my hip. She was only Six.

"Is he dead?" Hearing her little voice in my ear tears started to run down my face, I barely hung out with AJ because I didn't like the shit he was caught in but no one deserves to have their life taken from them.

"Is he dead?" She got a little louder, but i still wasn't listening. My mom hated when we saw things like this, she tries to keep it from us. So me even going to that crime scene was a bad idea.

"Look Nani, I don't know ok. All i know is when we go home not one word of this to Mama Ight." Shaking her little head yes, we entered one of the many buildings around here, with another broken door. Walking up the stairs to get to our apartment.

This three bedroom apartment was were i spent my entire life. My mom and dad couldn't afford to live lavishly when my mom first moved here from Cuba and my dad from Ghana, having me at the age of 23.

My dad working three jobs at a time, while my mom stayed home with me during the day, and had Mrs. Grettah the sweet old lady watch after me as she worked half way through the night.

Things didn't get better till i was 14, and by then my sister was only two onto her third birthday. It was a struggle for my family but we made it through all the hardships, and I'm still thanking them for the life they gave me. I think.

"Nicy, i love you. Like a lot." Taking off my sisters shoes she reached over to hug me and tight around my neck. My sister was a sweetheart and our parents

"I know Nani, come lets get something to eat." Running away from her into the kitchen she chased me and sat down on her little stool my mother keeps in a corner.

Pulling out anything from the fridge we took it towards the living room so we could watch tv while we sit at the table.

"Whatchu wanna watch?" Giving her the remote she turned on an old episode she made me record of the teletubies.

"Aren't you too old for this?" Shaking her head no she ate her grapes and drank her juice without taking her eyes off of the tv.

Watching my sister was an easy task, and it never really lasted long because my dad came walking in around 5:30, aiming for the couch. At that point I usually just went to my room to talk on the phone or do homework.

~*~*Sometime later~*~*

Leaning over the table my family stayed quiet for the pass out version of dinner. Tonight was one of those nights where nothing really has happened yet because it's the beginning of the week, plus my mom and dad argued a little so tension was kind of hot.

"Mom, we have to give Mrs. Grettah a gift basket or something." Raising an eyebrow, she looked at me like i had three heads. My mom was more than uninterested with the crime around here, sometimes she was very oblivious.

"Her son was shot today, i saw it on my way home from school."

"Yeah mommy, there was a lot of police officers." Dropping my fork I knew i was in deep shit. My mom didn't play when it came to what my sister saw and i was going to hear her mouth tonight.

"Wait. You took your sister to that crime scene?" Turning to my dad he was the first to speak before my mom did, i knew i was going to hear the third degree I just didn't know from which parent.

"Yeah...I didn't mean to tho, I just wanted to see what was going on." Dropping her fork my mother rubbed her temples.

"Moenice, your sister is six years old. Did you even think about what trama she could've gone through because of you?" Chewing on some macaroni I didn't wanna answer cause my explanation wasn't going to be worth it.

"What's trama, daddy?"

"Moenice, when your done you will wash all the dishes used tonight. And we're going to have a little talk later." My mom said calmly before picking back up her fork continuing to eat her food.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you will be." Giggling, my sister didn't get the hit that no one was laughing tonight. This wasn't how I expected my Monday night to end and to be honest I didn't wanna be with company anymore.

"Can I go in my room to finish?" Looking at me above her glasses, my mothers stare made me want to sit my ass back down but I couldn't.

"You ain't grown have a seat for me please." Still starring at me i was about to sit down before my dad opened his mouth.

"Go in your room, but leave that phone here." About to protest I just sat back down at the table, my parents weren't strict parents but when they were mad they really laid the heat down on you.

"That's exactly what I thought." Rolling my eyes i looked down at my plate for the remainder of dinner.

Once dinner was over i washed all the plate, forks, cups, pots and pans used tonight. We had a dishwasher and my mom made sure I didn't use it sitting on the bar stool at the island.

"I'm done." Looking up from her phone she pointed towards the door of the kitchen telling me to get out.

"I'll be in that room shortly." Rolling my eyes again i walked into my room flopping down on my bed. I didn't bother to turn the light on so i was just laying down in the dark.

Pulling out my phone i seen missed calls from four people but I didn't bother to call none of them back because it was already late at night and i would hear my parents mouth about that too.

Playing a game seemed like the best option for now until I clicked open the app and my mom clicked on the light.

"Maybe I haven't made myself clear in my actions or words towards the crime around here." Taking a seat at my computer chair she crossed her leges taking off her glasses. My mom was a very intimidating women even if she wasn't above 5 feet. 

"So let me tell you, I DO NOT. Under any circumstances want my Six year old daughter, or my seventeen year old daughter around ANY of that shit. Wether it's hanging out with criminals, or being at a damn crime scene. If you are to ever pull a stunt like that again, you will face more than just a talk and washing some stupid dishes. Have i made myself clear?" Shaking my head yes she got up and walked out leaving the light and door open.

I knew my mom hated this kind of stuff but I couldn't help myself today. That lady was like the grandma I never had, and it broke my heart to see her in so much pain.

Getting up to turn off my light, i closed my door and cried myself to sleep that night. No one should have to loose their life at a young age, and it freaking sucked knowing that he didn't even get to see his 19th birthday.

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