Chapter (15)

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(A Month later)

"Nicy, I know you hear me talking to you." Snapping my head towards him, me and Theo were sitting in his car parked up near the park eating breakfast.

"Sorry, I was thinking." Going back to the night of finding my dads gun, I have been suspiciousness trying to find out everything I could about my father.

"You good? You seem out of It." Looking at him I gave him a smile before reaching over and pecking his lips.

"Yeah I'm good. Just worried about this project I have." Snuggling into his side I drank my orange juice as I allowed him to talk. I never really tell Theo much and he will soon start to see because my attention span with him will start to grow very short.

"Well what ever I need to do to get your mind off of It you let me know." Wrapping his arm around mine I snuggled into his side some more as I watched the street lights start to turn off and the sun begin to rise.

"What Time is it?" Leaning up It was close to 6:00 in the morning. I came out here with him around 4 needing his company, if I didn't get back soon my mother would have my head and my father would have his.

"Babe I have to get back soon." Peeking back at him he had his hat over his head and was doing the quite snoring he does when he accidentally falls asleep on the phone.

"Theo." Whispering sweetly in his ear, I kissed his cheek repeating a couple of times.



"Theo, get up Baby." Reaching up his hands as if automatically reached for my ass making me shiver from the surprise and pleasure.

"Boy don't do that." Smacking his chest he laughed at me and brought his chair back up so that he could drive again.

"You deserve that ma, making me think you might want some of this Theo." Kissing my forehead he turned on the car pulling off in the direction of our building.

"You wish dude." Buckling my seat belt he was going kind of fast, Theo wasn't the best drivers but at least he could stay within the safety rules and regulation unlike my uncle Micheal.

Clown🤡: So you like late night drives all day now huh?

Looking down at my phone I cleared the message off my screen automatically looking around without trying to be suspicious.

"Whatcha Looking for?" Theo spoke as he parked in a parking spot in front the building. I never thought I would have to tell Theo about his friends but It seems like Ceaser just ain't going to quit.

"Nothing, Its just getting bright outside so I wanted to see before I have to go inside." Packing up my stuff my phone went off again three times and I knew Theo was going to say something now.

Clown🤡:Does he know that you still love me?

Clown🤡: Does he know I can make you do anything Bitch!

Clown🤡:Even make you get rid of A BABY for me?

"Damn ma, the hoes ringing up your line." Smirking I looked down at my phone before clicking the power button to turn my phone off.

"Shit, I have to get home like now." Opening the car door I rushed towards the building door not waiting for him to get out at all.

I hated Ceaser for how he was making me feel right now, I never expressed my feeling for that situation to anyone not even myself. I promised myself I would bury that and never speak on It again but here I was crying running up the stairs trying not to wake the whole building with my drama.

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