Chapter (5)

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(Theo) excuse Amy mistakes

"Jesus Diana LET IT GO!" Jumping out my sleep my dads voice boomed through my room. It was close to 3:00 in he morning and around this Time was when my mom and dad would always argue because they thought me and Nani were sleep.

"HOW THE FUCK DO I LET IT GO RYAN? You got this man calling your phone all hours of the night waking me up talking about some do this and do that."

"ITS JUST BUSINESS! How many times do I have to tell you that, I'm focused one thing and that's keeping this fucking roof over our heads."

"I have been living paycheck to paycheck all my life since I was 9 Ryan so don't tell me no shit about keeping roof over peoples heads cause I know how that feels, but I have never had to do nothing illegal." Going a little quite It was kind of hard to make out my mother's last words.

"Here you go again with that shit. When I met you I made you a promise and I said I would quit once I have made enough to support all of us, you believed me back then... what's going on now?"

"I am scared! What if it gets back to Moenice, and Nalanni? I will NEVER put my girls through that and you can't expect me to just sit back and not say nothing to you." My mom started to sniffle and I new the fight was over, she always one my dad over with her famous cry.

Just as my eyes got heavy I felt two bodies snuggling next to me. I didn't react because the last time this happened I was 12 my parents had gotten into this argument and my mom grabbed my sister, me and my mom sleeping on either end to keep 1 year old Nani from falling off my queen size bed at the time.
Just likes those moments this moment wasn't uncomfortable for me at all, my mom needed the affection and I was hear to give It and understand why she needed It.


Rolling out of bed It was close to 10:30. I hated Saturday detention because the teacher that ran I.t was Mr.Mock and he was the corniest man that school had. We sat in the library for about an hour or two depending on what you were told, we basically have a starring contest until Mr.Mock leaves the room then the pot heads go in the back where the vents are, the people who actually enjoy the library crack open a book, and then there is me who will be taking a nap until Mr.Mock comes in to dismiss students.

"umm, where are you going?" My mom was standing by my door eyeing me heavy.

"Oh I forgot to tell you-"

"Yeah you forgot." Cutting me off I guess my mom had no patience for anyone today.

"Well I have this program that me an Liv signed up for in school." Looking at me up and down she took a seat in my computer chair preparing for the game of 21 questions.

"What kind of program?"

" Library community."

"What time does I.t start?"


"What time does I.t end?"


"And you're going dressed like that?" Looking at myself in the mirror my outfit was super down played today, I didn't really see nothing wrong with It.

"What's wrong with my outfit."

"You look like who did It and why. You dont match, you might wanna learn that Christmas is three months away." Rolling my eyes she was kind of right, the bright red sweater I had on didn't go with my green polo sweat pants.

"Just be home on time to give this to Mrs. Grettah, that poor lady lost her husband and her son, I know she hurting." Walking away I heard as her slippers dragged across the floor. I closed my door and changed into an olive green tube top to match my pants and a zip up white sweater.

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