Chapter (7)

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Sitting in the kitchen I thought I was the only one up eating a light toasted bagel with cream cheese spread on it. Sunday's was usually my day to clean so I was always up around 8 in the morning.

"Morning mamas." Planting a kiss on my head my dad was up dragging his slippers on the floor with his robe wrapped loosely around him.

"Morning dad. Sleep good last night?"

"Not with all of your mothers snoring I didn't." Rolling his eyes he poured himself some orange juice and turned on the coffee machine for mom like he does on the weekdays.

"Mom going to work today?" Pointing at the machine he nodded his head and I mouthed ok to him.

"Yup boss called saying someone called out so she needs to handle all their paperwork for the time being." Taking another sip of his drink he turned to my box of pop tarts and grabbed one.

"Umm did I say you could have one?" Twisting my face up he looked at me over my shoulders smirking.

"Did I say you could pick It up when we went grocery shopping, did I say you could run up my phone bill, did I say you could run up my electricity, water bill, did I say you could spend all my money on your hair, clothing, sh-"

"Ok dad, jesus have the pop tart please and shush." Smacking my head for getting him started he took one placing only one in the toaster.

"Got any plans for today?" Picking up my sister she rested her head on his shoulders half asleep while eating the non toasted pop tart.

"Yeah, I have two friends coming over for a project."

"Who are these two friends?" Entering the kitchen my mom was all dolled up with a pair of blue pants and blue blazer to match, and a black and white button up top.

"Olivia and Zander."

"Zander is knew who dat?" My dad said raisin an eyebrow to me still holding my sister who was now sleeping on his shoulder.

"He is a boy from my third period class, I asked him if he wanted to join me and Liv's group after he cracked a joke so now he and Liv are coming over around 2 to work on It." Looking at each other before they turned to me they both raised an eyebrow to me.

"Well neither one of us will be home so no funny business ight." My dad tried to glare at me but I couldn't take is serious.

"Ok dad, you got It dude." Sticking up my thumb my mom rolled her eyes before turning to pour her coffee into her to go mug.

"Well you know you got to clean that room so I don't need to say It." Kissing me on my cheek she was heading off to work and my dad followed her right behind her.

"I'll drive you babe, wait for me." Kissing he ran to the room leaving my sister on the couch.

"Ewww get a room!" Yelling from the kitchen I heard my mom suck her teeth.

"We did, and now you and your sister is here." Sticking her tongue I covered my mouth as I pretended to throw up.

"Ewww Mother, yeah I'm going to my room."

"Hopefully to clean It up." Rolling my eyes I took my sleeping sister off the couch and took her back to her room, then went into my room taking up my phone to check for any texts. Non so far.


"What you think your hot shit because let me tell you your not." Liv was sitting on my floor, and Zander was sitting on my computer chair both barking at each other over their ideas on our project. I found the whole thing historical because both their ideas were good they just both wanted to be the spot light.

"And What you thought you was cute cause you ain't sweet heart, I dont know who told you concealer needed to be around your eyebrows but cut them off cause they ain't yah mans." Trying not to bust out laughing because I didn't want Liv to get mad with me I hid my face in my book I pretended to read. Zander and Liv was making It impossible for any progress to get done but I wasn't really complaining.

"I'm going to need you to not." Holding up a finger she got up grabbing her stuff ready to go.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! Have a seat for me please, Y'all both arguing over foolery ight. Right now we do not have to have a fully developed plan because we have about two months to get this done ight." Pulling Liv back by her book bag she took a seat at the end of my bed.

"Now you too better learn to like each other because I want both of you hear and neither one of you have a choice of leaving at this moment." Shrugging my shoulder they both rolled their eyes Liv pulling back out her books grabbing a highlighter.

"For now we can just highlight important parts of the book that could be beneficial to any plan we come up with in the future. Sounds good with y'all?" Liv spoke as she took back her seat on the floor, me and Zander shook our heads and we all got to work total silence taking over my room.


After about 30 minutes of working we all dozed off, I hadn't realized how late It was getting until my little sister came stumbling in telling me that mom called for me to let my friends go home.

Once Zander left me and Liv decided to watch a movie before she went home. I got up to do the rest of my homework before It was time for bed. Today wasn't a bad day but my mind wasn't on anything but reviving that call that I never got, I was a little disappointed but I barely knew him so my hopes weren't all the way up.

Getting into bed I was slowly falling asleep when my phone went off, I let It ring out to tired to hold any kind of conversation.

"You missed a call from You Played YourSelf"

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