Chapter (25)

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"Hey mama...remember me?"

"Ooo Patrice, you came today."n



The house smelled like old furniture and in here everything seemed cut off from the world. This old lady was sitting in a very old wheel chair with a breathing tube connected from her nose to a big green and silver tank strapped in beside her. I watched as she struggled to look up at my mom as she continued to struggle to take a breath.

"No mama, Patrice has been dead for five years now. Im Diana, your other daughter." Nodding her head my Grandma put her head down and closed her eyes, her hands never moved from off her knees and her mouth kept moving around but she wasn't talking. "Nice to meet you Diana. I'm Pamala."

The tears were hard not to notice on my mothers face, she has grown up and raised with this lady all her life. This lady has taught her how to be a women how to be a wonderful mother, just for everything to turn around and by the age of 78 not remember your first child.

"I know mama....but I want you to meet two wonderful people in my life mama." Raising her head again she tried opening her eyes as wide as she could focusing on my mom. Turning to me she gave me a smile and I grabbed Nani's hand so she could come from her hiding spot behind me and meet our grandma with me.

"Hi granma.. my name is Nalanni Clarke. I have this stuffed dog, I don't know if you wan it, but you can keep it." Listening to my sister my mom put her arm around my shoulder as I stood basically whimpering. All my life I wanted that perfect family dinners on thanksgiving and Christmas, grandma at the end of the table, grandpa on the other, aunts uncles cousins and more gathered around. I gave up on the concept when I turned twelve and it was just us four as usual, but to know I have at least a part of that fantasy here in what ever state she is in makes me so joyful.

"Nalanni You wanna come put it into the room with me, I'll show you pictures." Nodding her head super fast she got up off the floor and ran to join hands with Marie heading to the back of the apartment. "Go on Nicy, go say hi to your grandma." Looking at my mom I knew the tears still haven't stopped but I really didn't care anymore, I was beyond happy for words so they came out all over the place.

"H-hi, grandma..m-m-my name is-"

"BASTARD CHILD!" Yelling I jumped back, shock was written all over my face. I didn't even get my name out before she started screaming at me about being a bastard child.


"BASTARD CHILD! BASTARD CHILD!" The pain was worse than imagined, i was getting called a bastard child by my own grandmother and I was way to embarrassed to stay in that room anymore.

Waiting outside the building i clung to my knees as I waiting for everyone to come out so we could go home. My dream was more than crush, and I was hurt by my own family, there was nothing said that could make me feel better at this point and at this point being left alone was my main thing.

"Daddy. Can you come pick me up?" Crying he asked me a million questions as usual but I couldn't answer one right now I just wanted to be left alone. I cant wait for the reunion to he over I wanna go now, and I don't think that was evident to my mother.

"Im coming, stay right where you are." Hanging up I sent him the address and waited for him to come, I never returned inside to tell my mother what was going I just stayed in the chilly weather for him to pull up which only took about thirty minutes.

"You wanna tell me whats going on?"Looking at him the tears came out of me with a loud scream and he pulled me in for a hug as I continued to cry into his shirt. "Can we just go home please." Sobbing my words came out muffled and I felt him press his chin onto the top of his head before I pulled back and he started back up. I placed my seat belt on and texted my mom, I never wanted to ruin the mood so I just called my dad and let him deal with me instead. Ever since I could remember, my dad was the person I clung to when I was sad and lately I think that was another reason why I was so mad at him, I was so sad with my life and because he wasn't what I thought I didn't feel like I could trust him to fix me like he always does.

Mama Bear 🌻🐻: Daddy picked me up, so don't worry about me. Tell Grandma I love her for me.


"Yeah, a bastard child. I was soo upset Theo." Spending three hours on the phone with him cleared up my head so much, he made me laugh as soon as I answered and I really appreciated it, and now we were just sitting on the fire escape cuddling and talking as I watched out to see who was coming into my room. "Wait no explanation just straight out?"

"Yup. I left so even if she was going to give o-"

"A BOY!" Hearing my father yell from the other I heard the excitement in his voice, I'm guessing my father had always wanted boys but got two girls and now his dream was coming true. At least one of ours is.

"Baby brother huh?" Smiling I shook my head yes and he smiled back hugging me over the blanket and we sat in silence for about a few minutes before I started drifting to sleep on his shoulder.

Theo and I were now fully back together after the ride home from the weekend, we talked out the whole situation and I even told him about his birthday gift, but he has to earn that back by the end if this week at his birthday party. Before we got high it was funa actually being in his presence again and i had to admit I did-

"Yeah Jada....Ight I'm coming, give me 20." Didn't miss this.

"Yo, Nicy." Shaking me lightly I pretend to "wake up", my eyes shot open as soon as I heard her name but because it was dark outside He couldn't see me.

"You leaving me?" Putting on a sad face, I wanted him to stay so bad. I really didn't know who this Jada character was and everything about her wasn't sitting right with me at all.

"Yeah, Im sorry." Kissing me on my forehead he got up and I went back into my room throwing my blanket threw the window first.

"Goodnight Moe, I love you." Reaching out for s kiss I gave him my cheek before laughing really hard at his reaction. "Thats how you wanna play tonight?" Still laughing I hadn't noticed he opened the window wider and before I knew it he was snatching me up by my neck kissing me deeper than we had even done before.

"Much better." Shutting my window he left me there wanting more and heated, he was a fine piece of chocolate and I watched his fine ass climb down back into his room. This was the number one thing I hated after hanging out with Theo. Now I was all alone and sleep was the furthest thing from my mind.


Who yall think this Jada person is?

I know I haven't updated in a while, sorry guys 😁

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Rixy. b🍭

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