Chapter (29)

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Hearing an ambulance and police sirens, my eyes fluttered open, I could see a hint of the sun in the sky as I looked up.

My body was so incredibly sore and my head felt like it had been smashed in with a bag of bricks.

"Mommy." Whining I tried to roll over to get up but that hurt worse than breathing. My body was giving up on me and I felt it as I tried to yell out for help.

Somehow I was thrown from the car and all that filled my mouth was blood. I had a deep gash on my forehead and broken glass in my leg. My breathing sounded like an old man with bronchitis, and whenever I moved something it felt like my bones were being scratched by nails.

"Help..." whisper yelling it hurt so bad to use my voice, I hadn't realized it but my throat was unbelievably dry.

"Helllp.." becoming a little louder, I still didn't grab anyone's attention. News reports, and police were still outside..the ambulance looked like it was getting ready to leave, I needed to get over there before everyone goes and I'm stuck by myself.

Trying to roll over again, I dropped a couple times onto the concrete my upper body slamming hard into the ground every time I tried. "God please." Crying I gripped onto the brick wall pull myself up with all my strength, when I stood up I took a deep breath..I smelled iron and cookies.

Looking up I was in front a bakery, with two big glass windows. I knew exactly how to get the people's attention, looking around everywhere I saw the rock with my blood on it and limped over reaching down to get it.

It was heavy to hold in my hands but I managed to keep my grip on it. I limped back over to the windows slamming down on it with the rock, it did nothing the first time but after five tries it broke, glass spilling every where creating this big noise.

My right eye was swollen so I had to turn my whole body to see if anyone heard me. I hadn't realized how far I was away from them, because not one person even flinched at the sound. My body was giving out on me and if I walked any farther I wouldn't make it to them and would just die right here.

"God me." Feeling my tears run down my face again, I was about to give up and drop down when bright lights reflected on the other window making me turn my body to see an all white maximum coming down the road.

Limping into the street, I put my hand up with the rock for him to stop..but he just kept going. It was dark and I dont have on bright clothing, when he did realize me his face was filled with horror stomping on the breaks hard, but being to late completely hitting me sending me flying..busing my head against a parking meter.

I yelled out in pain to only have my throat caught by something. My breathing was gone and I struggled to keep my eyes open that were fluttering shut.



Hearing beeping, my eyes were too heavy to open and even if I tried I knew they were swollen shut.

"Hello?" Speaking I had no clue if anyone was here because I couldn't see, I thought I heard shuffling but no one spoke.

"Hello, anyone there?" Whisper yelling, I flinched at how my throat was killing me. Everything felt like I fell from the sky and pounded down on the concrete at full force, I couldn't feel my feet or legs and my head was pounding like no migraine ever before.

Hearing a door open, I moved my head in the direction I thought it was coming from trying to find out who that was. "Hello?" Whispering my voice couldn't go no higher than that so who ever it was had to bear with it.

"Moenice honey, you're up..I'm your doctor, doctor are you feeling sweetly from 1-10?" I wish I could roll m eyes, I'm pretty sure she could look at me and tell the pain is at a maximum level of 50.

"100..can I have a cup of water please?"

"Right now sweet heart no, but maybe Can you explain your pain to me please?" Nodding my head yes I tried swallowing my spit and failed, before licking my lips and turning my head to her.

"Well my throat is burning, and dry, half my body I can't feel but the parts I can feel feel like I was slammed by a big ass dumb truck... also I can't open my eyes which i think are swollen shut which also means I can't see a worth of shit..and I have this terrible headache." Staying quite I heard a pen moving, and just kept my question on what she was doing to myself.

"Wait you said you think your eyes are swollen shut?"


"Honey your eyes are wide open..wait hold up, numbness, headache, can't see, barley talking righ-"cutting her own self off she pulled out something and clicked it, I thought it was a pen but what she said next threw me completely off.

"Honey I'm gonna check you pupils, look at my nose for me."

"I can't see your nose ms.Liane..what's going on." Hearing the beep increase I got scared and could feel my heart pumping hard.

"Nurse!!" Yelling into the hallway, I heard a little of their conversation, before my body became completely numb and felt my body start to shake.



Hey loves, hope you enjoy...

Next chapter will be long as hell, just to wrap up this book and get y'all prepared for the second one.

Catch y'all next Saturday 💋

Rixy. B 🍭

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