
4.9K 614 298

PM 11:38
SEP 12 2008

「 all right, then, i'll go to hell 」

[seokjin runs to the bathroom; looks at his reflection; his face is cracking; blood coming out of both eyes; his eyes are completely dark]

shit! no—no—NO!

[grabs the camcorder; chants a latin phrase; lucifer's sigil embeds on the camcorder; video becomes distorted; previews of hell appear; dirty hands are reaching out for help; growls of torment and agony echoed from the speakers; jin's eyes turn red]

i —i am Lucifer
i am th—the Devil
whoever holds this camcorder
will bind his soul with mine

[faces the camera to himself]

hello, you filthy and curious human,
thank you for watching this video clip

i'm kim seojin or you can just
call me the Devil,
or Luci
or your worst nightmare

i accidentally killed my other vessel
and with only one right now
i can't stay for long

you can't run away now,
the curse must go on
it must not be broken
and this is my wish

will you give up your soul for me?

[video becomes distorted; jin is seen peacefully lying down on the floor]

[camcorder turns off]

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