
4.4K 397 222

AM      3:03
SEP   12   2018

「 maybe this world is
another planet's hell 」

[a small garage sale attracts the attention of a young boy; stares alternately at his mom and the display]

mommy, can i check
that out?

[pouts his lips to convince his mom; she lets go of him; the young boy runs towards the display; grabs a toy police car and runs it along the table]

vrrroom! vrroom!

[toy car hits a small storage box]


[deep voice is calling out his name; young boy checks the box; sees a camcorder covered by a bubble wrap]

young man,
don't think about
picking that up.
it isn't meant for you yet.

[boy picks up the camcorder; he takes a look through the lens]

i warned you.
the moment you picked
that up, you just woke up
a very bad man.
if i were you,
i will check what's under
my bed from now on.

[yugyeom stares through the camera lens; his pupils start to dilate; old lady's eyes turns pitch black in a blink]

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