
5.1K 617 665

PM      11:24
SEP   12   2008

「 clever as the devil and twice as pretty 」

six down,
one more soul and an empty vessel
then i'm done

[throws the metal rod on the ground; goes straight to the kitchen; washes the blood off his face; peaks through the curtains]

how stupid could their
neighborhood be?
oh the horror of seeing
all these dead bodies
in the morning

[puts down the camcorder on the countertop; the tape is still rolling; walks back and forth uneasily]

now where did leave the ax?

[holds his chin; his hand on his waist; recalls where he last used the ax; goes straight upstairs]

ahhh, yes of course
park jimin!

[picks up the ax from the floor; taps jimin's body hanging from the ceiling; jimin's body sways a little; hoseok giggles as he goes down the stairs]

too bad..

[drags the ax to the kitchen]

it's too sweet..

[stops dragging the ax near jin's head; kicks jin's body]

it's time to wake up, jin

[eyes turn completely black; pure evil radiates from his pupils; screams of despair are heard]

it's time to finish the ritual

[black smoke comes out of hoseok's mouth; falls on his knees after the entity leaves his body; lets go of the ax; chokes as he gasped for air; black smoke enters jin's mouth]


[coughs; hits his chest with his fist]

i can't br—breathe


[blinks as his eyes adjusted; sees hoseok coughing]

well, hello

[permanent black eyes staring at hoseok; blood slowly dripping down from his left eye; veins on his neck starts to get darker and more visible]

jin h—hyung?

[jaw drops in surprise; swiftly shifts his position; crawls away from jin]

what's wrong, hoseok?
i lived with your soul
for a couple of months
although, i admit that was a really
selfish move
but we lived together
we were roommates in that little
head of yours!

[picks up the ax; hoseok starts screaming; stands on his feet; runs around screaming at the top of his lungs]


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