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        ~The Next Morning~
     I ride my bike around town when I noticed woods by my house. I ride my bike in and set it down. I hear fait voices. I realize one of them is Bill. I smile and continue to walk.
      "Hey. What are you doing down here?" I ask. They all turn around. Bill smiles. I smile as well.
      "Excuse me. Who are you?" A shorter boy asks. I raise an eyebrow and look at Bill.
     "E-Eddie. This i-is A-Alona. I met h-her y-yesterday." Bill tells him. I smile at Eddie.
     "Well Alona. You have to be the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on." A boy with thick glasses says to me while he wiggled his eyebrows. I look at him in disgust. Bill slaps his head. I laugh.
     "That's R-richie. T-this is Ben and B-bev." He tells me. I nod. I look down off the cliff.
      "We were going to jump. Want to come?" Bev asks with a sweet smile. I nod but realize I don't have a swimsuit.
     "I would but I don't have a swimsuit." I tell them. Bev nods her head for me to follow her. We walk back into the woods farther. She takes off her blouse into her undergarments. She tells me to do the same. So I do. We walk back over and the boys  are just in their whitey tidys. I laugh. Bill looks at me. I blush and look down.
      "Who wants to go first?" Richie asks. Me and Bev look at each other and smile. We grab hands and jump off. We hit the water. It feels so nice. I get back up to the top. I see all of the boys jump in as well.
      "W-We should play c-chicken." Bill says. We all nod. Eddie gets on Richie shoulders and Bev gets on Bills shoulders. I sigh and go up against the wall. I suddenly feel lifted up. I look down and see Stanley. He smiles at me and I blush. I look over at Bill. He looks angry.
      In the end we won.
        "Yes!!!!" I yell and high five everyone. We get out and go to dry off. Bev lays down in a towl and plays music. I go sit by Richie. He puts me in his back and I laugh. He runs around. Me laughing all the way. He puts me down and we walk back over to the others.
      "You know school is over. You don't need all this stuff." Richie tells Ben.
      "Who is this from?" Richie asks taking a postcard out of his bag.
      "N-nothing!" Ben tells taking it out of his hands. I laugh. I go lay down by Bev. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back. I look over at the boys and they all look away. I raise an eyebrow and laugh.
     Ben said something about the missing kids of Derry and now we are going to his house to look at his stuff. He talks about a bunch of things. I dont really understand most of it but. Idk its whatever. I sit on his bed and just kinda look at all of the pictures.
        One catches my eye. I walk up to it and look at the picture closely. I look all over it but I stopped when I see a face that looked peculiar. My eyebrows shove together in confusion.
    "Hey Ben. What's this?" He looks at me then walked over. He sighs.
       "Oh that's what everyone thinks IT is." He says. I signed go sit back down on his bed. Once everyone's finish at his house we walk out. We all agree that tomorrow we will meet up at Bill's house. I don't really know why but I guess it's something about finding Georgie.

  Hey guys I know it has been a while but I am finally got a new chapter posted!( if anyone's even reading this) I hope you enjoy this one as much as you did in the first one!(if you enjoyed the first one)But ya if you are ever going though some trouble. I'm always a message away.
      Anyway I'm going to let you continue your reading on another story or if I have more chapters posted when you read this part of the story. And for now goodbye my IT FandomSquad that's what I'm going to call you for now.

Stutters~~~~~~Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now