Georgie? You're Back?

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         I see a Georgie with no arm and his paper boat.
          "I want to home." And
             "It was going to fast." Is what I make out from Georgie. Then Bill says something, but he's crying so it's a little hard. The next thing I know, Bill has a gun up to Georgie' s head. Georgie starts to cry,  which makes me cry.
         Bill shots and Georgie falls on the floor, shaking.
      "BILL!"I yell and run over to him. The legs and arms of Georgie turns into a clown. My eyes go wide. I hide behind Bill.
       Once the clown stands up, he starts to walk towards us. I start to cry softly. Bill grabs my hand and squeezes it.
      "Awww. Young love?" The clown says in his creepy voice. I get chills down my back.
       "W-were not..." Bill starts but gets cut off by the clown.
       "Wouldn't be nice if one of died." He says grabing my neck and squeezing it. I start to lose air slowly, Bill shots the clown with the gun. IT falls down. 
         I quickly run to others. Then Stan, hugs me? I don't know. It was kinda awkward because he never hugs anyone. But I mean. He might just be scared. The clown gets back up again and laughs.
        "You think. That YOU. Can beat ME?" He asks, still laughing.
         "Yes." I start off and then continue.
         "And we will." I finish, kicking him in the face. He gets bigger and turns into a crab. He starts to snap his claws at us. I get dangerously close to one. Then I feel someone pull out of the way. I look up and See Richie.
          "You could have died Stuff." I chuckle and roll my eyes. I get back up to see that IT has pucked all over Eddie.
         "Oh no. That's not good." I say to myself. He turns into a bunch of other things. Then he grabs Bill.
          "NO!" I yell. IT goes into a corner, with Bill in a head lock.
          "Go. I'll take him, and You can all live your happy lives. Or. I'll take all of you. And feast on you flesh as I fed on your fear."IT says to us.
        "G-Go leave. I-It's my f-fault." Bill says. I look at him.
         "No........We can't." I tell them.
      A/N: Hey guys. I know this is kinda a bad place to stop. But, I mean. We can't have everything happen In one chapter right? But I want to say thank you for 114 reads! That's crazy because I just started!
            And I want to say thank you if you put on you reading list. Or if you voted. And if you want to vote. You know. All you gotta do is press that little star. Yep there you go.
       Anyway. I know this is a lot. But I have another thank you to you guys. We have got so far and we are already in 279 in horror! That's crazy.
      But thank you once again for all of the support and everything you have done.

Stutters~~~~~~Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now