IT Takes Bev

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       Alona's POV
     I was in my room making my bed when I feel my walkie talkie vibrate. I take it out of my pocket to hear a worried and rushed Richie.
"AlonaITtookBevwedontknowwwhattodo!" He yells.
     "Richie. Slow down." I tell him. I hear him sigh.
    "IT took Bev." He says. My eyes go wide. IT can't take her. She's the only other girl.
    "Alona?" I hear Richie ask, snapping me out of my thoughts.
     "Sorry. Where are you?" I ask him.
    "The arcade." He says. Of course.
     "I'm on my way." I say. I run out my door and get on my bike, rushing to the arcade.
     Eddie's POV (Finally. Someone different. Gosh. Who wrights these books?. Oh wait. That's me...Umm well this is akward...)
    I was in my kitchen carving a V into my cast. While I was getting my prescription yesterday. I ran into Greata. Who wrote Loser on my cast. So I'm making it Lover.
    The phone suddenly starts to ring, which I answer.
    "E-Eddie. IT got B-Bev." I hear Bill say on the other line. I sigh.
     "Where are you?" I ask. He takes a deep breath and continues.
     "The arcade." He says.
          "OK. I'll be there." I say and hang up the call. I start to walk off.
     "Where do you think your going?" My mom asks.
      "Out with my friends." I say not looking at her.
       "Eddie. You know I told you that you couldn't hang out with them anymore." She reassures me.
      "Mom. They were the only ones protecting me when I needed them most." I almost yell. I open my fannypack. And take out my pills.
     "Do you know what these are?" I start. She looks at me.
     "THEY'RE GAZEBOZS! THEY'RE BULLCRAP!" I yell , throwing them on the ground. Which they them spill all over the floor.
     "Eddie. Those are your pills. You know how bad your allergies get." She says. I glare at her and shake my head.
     "Waht allergies ma?" I ask. I walk past her and out the door.
       Bills POV
  I was riding my bike to Bevs house to get here so her, Alona and I can go to the sewers to look for Georgie. I park my bike on the grass, making sure her dad's not home. Once I do. I run up the stairs and to her room.
      "B-Bev?" Shout, but get no response. I shrug and continue walking. I walk past the bathroom and instantly walk back. I walk inside and look at the ceiling.   "You'll die trying." Was read writen in blood. I look over and see her dead father. I get shivers. I run out and go on my bike. I get my walkie talkie out to call Richie.
     "IT took B-Bev." I say once he response.
      Bev's POV
    I look down at my dead father. Who I had just killed in the room where there was once blood. Now that this has happened. Looks like I'm cleaning again. I sigh and stand up and start to turn around. But IT takes a hold of my throat. Then. Everything went black.

      A/N: Part 2? What will happen. Well. If your a stalker like me. You should know. *Hint. Hint.* Well there's that chapter. I guess I'll go start Part two! I sure you will like the next video at the top. Que the sound affect! DINK! *Tries to wink but fails and just bliks.* But I hope you enjoyed and I will see, well talk, well. You know. You will see me trying to talk to you in the next chapter. GOODBYE MY IT FANDOM SQUADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! Wow. That was quit to long.


Stutters~~~~~~Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now