Nebolit St.

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       "W-we have to g-go somewhere." Bill tells us.
      "Where?" I ask him.
      "T-the w-well house." He tells us. Stanley's face gets angry
     "AFTER WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" Stan yelled.
      "Y-you don't h-have to g-go. B-but I want to f-find G-georgie." Bill says. The rooms falls quiet. Bill goes outside and grabs his bike. I sigh and look at the others. Stan put a his hand on his face and sighs as well. Eddie takes a puff of his inhaler. I roll my eyes. I run out the door after Bill.
      "ALONA!" I hear the others call but I ignore them. I run to Nebolit St and to the well house. I see Bill starting to open the door. I run up to him.
     "Bill........wait." I tell him out of breath. He turns around and looks down. I can tell he knows I dont want him to go there.
      "You can't go in there. By yourself." I tell him. He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back. We walk up to the door and it slowly creaks open. I grab his hand with out thinking and squeeze it. We hear bikes drop behind us. We turn around.
     "You can't go in there." Bev say clearly worried.
    "But. At my house. It's hard to walk into Georgies Rom and see all of his toys and stupid stuffed animals and him not be there. So walking into this house is easyer than walking into my own." Bill says. I look at him wide eyes.
     "Wow. You didn't stutter once." Richie says. I look at him. It's like he read my mind. They sigh.
      "Ok who wants to stay out." Everyone raises their hands. Bev puts hers down.
     "Really guys. Fine. We are drawling sticks." I say. In the end, Richie and Eddie get the short sticks. We walk in. I was walking around when I hear a laugh.
     "Richie Bill. Did you hear that?" I ask. I get no response. I look around and see that I'm by myself. I turn back around and see three doors that read.
    "Scary,Not Scary, and very scary" I sigh and open the not scary door.
     "Where's my shoe." I hear. The light flicks in and I see Betty Rimson without any legs. I scream but hear other screams as well. I slam the door shut and turn around. And see Bill and Richie standing behind me.
     "WHERE WERE YOU?" I yell. Looking at them.
    "I THINK YOU MEAN WHERE WERE YOU!!" Richie tells back. I roll my eyes and sigh. I look at them then realize.
     "Guys. Where's Eddie?" I ask. They look around and shrug their shoulders. I stand beside them. We open the "Scary"  door and see Pennywise on Eddie, pretending to eat his hand. Eddie other hand looks like it's very broken. IT looks at us.
     "This isn't real enough for you Bill? I'm not real enough for you?" He stops and laughs.
     "It was real enough for Georgie!" He yells and runs towards us. Bev comes out of nowhere and stand a pole through his face. 
   "Get Eddie! Get Eddie!" Richie yells. We run over to Eddie.
    "I'm going to snap it back in place!" Richie tells him.
   "You better not Freaking touch me!!" Eddie yells. Richie does it anyways. IT turns around and grawls. I scream. IT then runs away.
   "W-we can't l-let IT get a-away." Bill says. Bill runs outside. We all follow. Eddie mom is outside in her car. She gets  out and goes up to Eddie. She shoves him in the car. 
     "You are monsters. You all are. "She tells us. She then drops her keys. Bev goes down to help her.
    "I GOT IT!" She yells
        "I've heard of you Beverly Marsh. And I don't want a girl like you around my son." She says, glaring at her. She then turns to me.
     "Or you." She says. And with that she gets in her car and drives off.
      "I-I know w-Where the w-well house is. And n-next time w-we will be more p-prepared." Bill starts but Stanley cute him off.
     "And look at this dude. He's bleeding hamburger helper!" Richie yells. Bev looks at him.
    "Richie." Bev starts.
        "I'm just saying. Let's face facts. This is the real world. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed too." Richie says walking off.
      "Y-You t-talk that b-back!" Bill says on the verge of crying. He pushing Richie to the ground. Richie gets up and throws a punch at Bill. But Mike holds him back. They continue to fight.
     "Guys! Stop!" Bev yells.
           "This is what it wants it want to divide us!" She tells us. I nod.
     "Yeah. We went in together. That's why we are still alive! Ben you said it your self. IT comes back every 27 years." I say looking at him.
    "Fine. I'll be 40 and far away from here." He says being smart. I roll my eyes.
     "What makes you want to stay here so bad?" Richie asks me.
     "Because I want to run towards something. Not away." I tell him. He walks away from the group. As well as Stanley and Ben. Mike starts to walk off.
    "Mike." Bev pleads. He stops and turns to face us.
     "Sorry. But my grandpa won't be to happy if he had no-one to help at his shop." He says and walks off. I sigh and look at Bill and Bev.
      "What do we do now?" I ask and look down the road. I turn my head back to them. They shrug their shoulder. I sigh once again and look down the road once more where all of our friends were once standing.

    A/N: Hey guys!! This is a very long chapter! I'm proud of how much I got in. Over a thousand words! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I wouldn't recommend watching the videos unless you have watched the movie. I don't want any hate comments says "Oh. You made me not want to watch the movie because you showed one of the main parts!" Well I'm sorry! Maybe you should just read the words and not watch the video? Might be better!
    But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to post really soon again! But for now GOOD BYE MY IT FANDOM SQUAD!!

                   Lots Of Love

P.S This Chapter has. 1101 Words!!

Stutters~~~~~~Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now