The Bachelor

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I wake up to loud screams. It's been three days since I moved out of my parents house and we'll I've survived so far. The thought could make me smile but no, not this morning. I'm used to dragging myself slowly out of bed, jumping into the shower and heading to school just ten minutes before eight. Being eighteen and in your final year in high school, there are a few things I am now capable of doing such as selling my dads precious car.

Honestly, three weeks ago when I convinced my dad to transfer his two cars to my name, I did not know it would come in handy. I peep out of my blanket burning holes on their heads with my eyes. Well I am currently sleeping in a dormitory,  Yeah from the highly paid high school where people drive or are driven to school and study the syllabus of your choice whether local or international to the lowest class of high school.

Well I hear this kind of high schools have electric bells but it seems here, the only bell is people themselves. I groan and turn in my bed hopping to get some much deserved sleep but seems like that is never happening when the boy sleeping on the top bed keeps moving and the next one approaches me slowly as if am some kind of plague and tells me everyone is supposed to go for morning preps. I check the time and it's five am, who wakes up at this time?

I drag myself out of bed and yawn. I look for my toothbrush and ask where the bathroom is. I head up there only to notice there is no water or showers. I groan and decide to
Go wherever everyone is going without brushing my teeth or showering. I walk out of the dorm half sleeping and cursing, at least if there is one good thing that came out of this is that I found out the girl I was in love with, who made me do things that got me kicked out of my former school wasn't worth the hustle and all the money I've spent.

Sleeping in the assembly ground wasn't how I planned my first day at this boring place. Honestly am here because I have nowhere else to go and since my nanny referred me here, well also because I plan on investing with the money I got from selling the car and nanny's savings. That's achievable since I don't have to buy food here or pay rent, I just have to pay fee which I already have then am done.

I wake up from my sleep and check the time and realise I've been sleeping in the sun for at least four hours. I stand up and walk towards the principles office. Reaching the door, I knock and enter. " Whatever you think you are doing is child abuse punishable by an act of law, how dare you make students sleep in the scorching sun covered with their blankets for four hours? " I blurb before deciding it's now the right time to look around his office but a voice cuts me halfway

"As always son, you amaze me.What are you doing here anyway?"" mum" I turn around to notice the woman sitting in the wooden chair directly beside me. She smiles brightly at me before turning to the principal, "meet my oldest son Herman, the stubborn one with the attitude, " she smiles up at me before asking " what are you doing here Herman."

"Am in school obviously, am a student here in a full school uniform. A problem with your sight Jacky?" "Did you  just... "

"Yeah, I did, anyway sir as I was saying earlier before I got interrupted, it is not in your best interest to air students. " I finish and walk out of the office back to my comfort zone in the blanket under the scorching sun.

I've been summoned to sleeping in the sun all day for my punishment, honestly the way I look at it, it's not even my fault. I think through what am doing in this damn forsaken school anyway. Uuh, yes am here because nanny Nina knows the school and she referred me, hence I just walked in through the gates with a well sealed latter and my luggage into the principals office and after reading the letter he quickly admitted me.

Honestly I wonder what my nanny wrote in that letter but that's not my problem, at least am away from home and into a new environment where adults just can't mind their own business and keeps hunting down which student to punish. My old school wasn't like this but it is something to start on. I don't know which one is better, my old school that rarely punished students and let everyone do what they want since it was the cool kids, my parents lonely mansion or the new school where everyone looks at me like am some alien from planet Pluto and the punishment here looks worse than going to juvenile. Well I've been there obviously, a few times but my dad wouldn't let me spend two nights, which is not good since someone is got to be punished for sinning so obviously he never took everything he taught me seriously. Something to do with my records.

From what I had, the teachers have already nicknamed me the bachelor which every student has picked on and is the story going around in the school. I breath a dip sigh before I notice footsteps coming towards me.

"Finally, " I sigh dramatically as I lay on my back, placing my hands under my head and getting comfortable as I glare at the principal, " I was starting to get worried you wouldn't show up, we are glad you finally found it within your busy schedule to attend to us right guys? " I look at my partners in crime and smile up at the principal before I sit up using my hand to hold me backwards.

All this while the principal just stands there looking at me like an old grumpy man.  The other students look at us and as I start giggling, they join me making him raise his eyebrows at us, no specifically at me daring me to continue. If I was someone else I would have shut my mouth but as you all know, am Herman and I just can't help myself. I smile back at him and take his still raised eyebrows as my cue to continue.

"As I was saying earlier, this is child abuse and just so you know, it wasn't my fault and you just can't punish me, logically sir, what is the point of staying awake in class pretending to be studying when in reality you aren't grasping anything. If you ask me, I think it is just a pure waste of time which is a very important resource anyway. " I finish and smile when I notice him looking at me amused.

" So what do you suggest we can do to stop students from sleeping in class? " he asks looking at me expectantly. " well give them time to sleep, " I say raising one of my eyebrows at him. "oh, I see, which is exactly what we have done, we have given you time to sleep, but we have done it far away from class so that you don't infect other serious students. " he finishes before starting to walk away.

"Wait, I don't mean like this, just make it somewhere comfortable not under the scorching sun with blankets. " he looks back at me then turns back to go before speaking "You came to school to study young man, not to sleep or do you want another expulsion just a day after you joined. " I contemplate on the matter before mumbling a 'no sir' and watch him walk away like the old grumpy man he insists on being though I can tell he is only above fourty.

I get back to sleeping and honestly, I wouldn't mind expulsion but this is my last shot at finishing my studies and I don't want to blow it, besides this time I paid my own fees and it would suck if it went to waste. " I guess am gonna be sleeping here all day everyday, I smile at myself and go under the blanket. As am just about to fall asleep, someone clears there voice and I sit up " well, you are free to go, orders from above. " a teacher I don't know says and walks away.

I sigh, finally, besides am starving since we didn't take lunch and slept in the sun all day, I make a mental note to eat as soon as I get to the dormitory and just like that, the first day of the bachelor in a new school goes wrong.

Next chapter in a few ...

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