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"Hey Jake, how are you doing? " I ask him as I sit next to him in class. I've noticed that he has been avoiding me for this past few days, naturally since the day I pulled that drama on Mella and I wonder what is up with him. I would tell you that the usual me wouldn't mind but this is not the usual me, it is definitely not but I'll give this me the benefit of a doubt.

I would conclude everything is fine with him but if you try to greet your best friend and then you are met with a punch on the face, something is definitely not the matter and am determined to get it out of him. If this is about the drama I pulled on Mella girl then... Okay, let's leave it at that, do not judge is the tenth commandment of God hence I shall not Judge him for my almost broken jaw.

"Just stay away from me bro, I thought we were friends, but what do you do, pull all that crap behind my back, and guess what? Because of your stupid self absorbed self, now Juli hates me more, what do you say to that huh? Tell me you didn't deserve a pink nose, because I think you deserve a broken jaw. " I know Jake to be the guy who blurbs but not the violent type and I guess this must have really gotten to him.

Okay, so who am I kidding, of cos it did  we are talking about the girl my best friend is solely convinced is his forever. "Well you are right about that, am sorry man. " I put up my best pout and soon he is smiling and trying really hard to hide it from me, " I promise I won't ever leave you out, my next prank is on that Juli girl, how dare she hate you? " I say putting my most serious face, " and this we will do as bro's, to make sure she knows not to mess up with my friend. " it seems he was still digesting what I just said judging by the look on his face.

" No, stay away from her, leave her alone okay, " he wipes his head to face me in one swift move using a warning tone. I burst out laughing making him giggle realising I was joking.

I look at him and smile, " you know what, I'm helping you get back your girl, but that doesn't mean I will be in good terms with her, I'm just trying to help you here, besides I'd rather have her head on a silver platter than become her friend. " " Really? You'd do that for me? " he asks beaming. "Of cos, what are friends for if not putting their best friends girls head on a silver platter. " this makes Jake burst out laughing making the whole class turn and look at us.

"Will you guys shut up, that is the second time, you know some of us are here to study not pass time and we need the concentration. " Okay, let me introduce James the ever serious guy who opens class and closes it thank you so much.

"Whosoever found it within their wicked heart to still all my pens and my English book, please return them I want to use them."Ladies, babies and gentlemen I am glad to bring to your notice Lino, the girl who must loose something everyday and always makes it a point to notify the class in the middle of everyone's concentration span, that she never misses.

"Shut up, we want to study, must you do that right now, you had all the time before everyone settled to go around checking with whosoever stole them, " Cynthia the no nonsense maiden. And just like that, noise was generated across the whole class, low voices and giggles could be heard all over. Woe unto those of us who will not understand a thing while studying inside the poshomill for today was not our day.

Well I would like to introduce all of my classmates to you but that is beside the point, the point is this class is one crazy one, because as I am here looking at everyone, I realise including those who wanted a peaceful environment to study are having a story telling session, actually are making the loudest noises. If you were looking for anything crazy, then you just found it.

Deciding that staying in class is not what I want to do right now, I walk out of my class and walk along the veranda. Passing Mellas class, I notice she is not in and begin to wonder where she could be. Wait, when did I become her bodyguard, something is definitely not right somewhere.  I don't care, am not her bodyguard, I just noticed she was not on her seat that is all.

Practically, that is totally lame but it is perfectly normal to enquire where your enemies are, know their every move or is it?

I walk towards the boarding section chanting I don't  care about her, who?  Something hard lands on my chest but realising it is not a fallen tree branch, I reach out just in time to grab her hand before she Lands on her behind. I pull her and steady her before realising she was crying. "Thank you, " she says in her most vulnerable torn.

"M-Mella? " I ask well more like confirm what am already seeing, " you have been crying, what is the matter?" I ask my voice laced with concern. "Nothing, am fine, can't a girl cry in peace? " she tries to sound cocky but fails miserably. As if I just lost my head along with my breadth, my body moves swiftly hugging her close to me and I frown at my actions.

Realising what I am doing, I try to withdraw but I'm suddenly being squashed between a human and two hands. She then goes into sobbing frenzy and I continue soothing her and assuring her everything will be okay. Looking at it this way, your worst enemy is sobbing in your beautiful school uniform and you are comforting her, strange huh, but am not a normal teenage boy so in my case, it is totally and utterly my normal.

" I can't do this anymore, I can't take it, " that is the last thing I hear before everything goes quite and is succeeded by a deafening silence. I want to shake her awake but we'll, what can a man do?  So I slowly sink with her to the ground and let her share my comfortable chest as a pillow.

If I was any normal teenager, hugging is prohibited in this school between opposite sexes since it is a mixed school but as you all know, I am not one of the normal ones. A normal teenager would have let her sleep and wake up in their arms since honestly, I finally have to admit it, she is somehow temptingly pretty, especially when she sleeps peacefully after fits of tears.

So as the not so normal teenager that I am, I refuse to let myself be led into temptation, I refuse to cave into my hearts desire of wanting to hold her just a little longer and my stomachs cravings of flying butterflies which is clearly unheard of. Slowly, I spread my blazer, lift her and lay her down on the grass then take of leaving her to her dreams with one heavy question lingering at the core of my existence , " what can't she do anymore that would make her that vulnerable as to cry on the enemy's shirt? " maybe not literally but who am I to say? I just continue with my aimless roaming around the school.  This school should definitely pay me since I walk around more than the watchman during preps.

Next chapter in a few....

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