On Her Left Leg

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All day I have been having this feeling that something was not right. Everything seems so calm and it feels like the calm before a storm. Yesterday after the show I put up in the dinning hall and not showing up to meet the big boy, I just talked to Jake and went to sleep. The fact that we share five classes together and only part when it's time for optional subjects makes it easy for us to talk.

I look over at Jake but he quickly looks away. Since the first break, I noticed that he has been avoiding me. A part of me wants to ask if everything is okay but I decide against it. If he is having a difficult moment and wants to face it alone then that's fine by me. But as much as I want to believe this, a part of me knows that it is because of big boy from the guilty and longing emotions I manage to catch a glimpse of in his eyes whenever our eyes meet.

During lunch, he refused to go with me claiming he wasn't hungry which his stomach totally disagreed with making me giggle and sigh before going to lunch alone. During lunch, everyone kept giving me these funny glances making me question if I had developed two extra heads on my neck. Soon classes are over and I head back to the dormitory to prepare for evening preps.

Reaching my bed, I sigh and sit down on my mattress but am greeted with something wet. I quickly stand up and notice my bed is soaking wet. I groan feeling irritated before Jake walks in and heads straight to his bed. Brian shows up after him and gives me a fake smile. "oh, is this all you got big boy, " I return his fake smile. "That is just a warning, don't dare mess with me, am far beyond your league bachelor boy. " he says and walks away like he just struck a billion dollar deal. Soon I feel myself being drugged towards Jake's bed making me sit on his bed.

"I'm sorry Harman, I didn't want to do it but they said they would hurt Julian if I didn't." He looks at me as tears start rolling down his cheeks,"I-I couldn't let them hurt her, I just couldn't. " I've always known him as the one to talk but the sight of him in tears breaks my heart. If only that Julian girl knew how much she means to this boy, I pull him into a tight hug and tell him I understand and that it is okay.

At least he didn't lie to me, I don't like it when people do wrong things and pretend like its okay. As soon as he stops crying, I decide to teach this Brian boy who the boss is and giggle at my resolution.

" I removed your bed sheets though and I figured since your mattress still has that polythene cover, the water would do less harm. I'm sorry about your blanket but I had to use it since the bed sheets would make the scene obvious. " I look at him surprised that he went through all that trouble just to make sure he didn't do much needed or required damage to my bed.

Jake looks at me as if he is the worst friend ever but after what he did, I feel so proud of him for taking the first step to defying his tormentor and saving the love of his life at the same time. To me, there is nothing greater than what he did so I hug him again," thank you Jake and don't worry about my blanket, I have an extra one remember?"

Soon we are done at the dorm and head off for our evening meal. This time Jake walks beside me looking everywhere. Deciding that this can't go on anymore, I decide to do something about it. Once we are served our meal which was plainly poorly cooked beans and rice, we head of to the dining hall and sit on an empty table. They call this meal last supper since it is among the best meals you can count on around here.

" Good morning bachelor, you've been so calm lately, I hear you got your ass kicked." Mella states and chuckles. "Bachelor boy got no place to put down his tired neck tonight?" I groan in frustration." What do you want now Mella girl? I see you've finally decided to take my offer to heart and you can't take your eyes off my case. " I say and smirk noticing her frown.

"It doesn't matter, " a voice says from behind me making me jump. " so he did it again after all, and here I thought he was your friend. Why are the two of you even together anymore?oh and where will you sleep tonight? " she finishes her series of enquiries before giggling.

"Well, " I clear my throat "I'll be sleeping in his bed and I've booked him a random bimbo for tonight, " I say and smirk up at Julian. "What, " she yells and almost lungs at Jake before reconsidering her position.

" For all I know he can't stay in girls hostels, school rules." She decides to cover up but it was a bit too late, I had already seen the murderous jealousy and thunder brewing inside her. "Well, what are rules meant for? To be broken yes? " I enquired looking up at her.

She opens her mouth to speak but Mella bits her to it. "Whatever, he can do what he wants, Julian already moved on from him. Right Juli?" She questions looking at her expectantly but she hesitates. I take this opportunity to annoy them a little more.

I chuckle lowly before looking at them, "apparently Juli girl isn't sure so I suppose the answer is no? " I look up at her smiling. "I-I've moved on, I don't care anymore," she stutters looking nervously at Jake behind her long lashes.

"Well Jake dear friend, don't worry you know, I do have good taste in women, I'll introduce you to my beautiful cousin, she is almost sixteen by the way and am sure you'll hit it off immediately. " I decide tease Julian a little more knowing that teasing her affects Mella.

"What? You can't, he is not worth it, do you know what he did to me, am sure you wouldn't want your cousin to go through the same right Jake? " she asks raising a brow towards Jake. Seems Julian girl is a dear caught in the headlights tonight, she doesn't even try much to cover her jealousy at the aspect of Jake's introduction to a beautiful cousin of mine. "Yeah, sure, I wouldn't mind. "he says before realising what he said and his mouth drops. I look up at Julian and notice her hands are clenching into a fist and chuckle.

"Don't worry Juli, all my cousins are male so the gentleman here, " I point at Jake dramatically "is all yours. " I stand up to leave but looking at the two, I decide to save my friend from a smack on the face, "and he didn't mean that, he wasn't listening, " I say and start walking away from the table having finished my meal. All this while, Mella is staring between the three of us obviously taken aback.

"Wait, " I turn around only to encounter my dear beloved tormentor. " you my dear is officially on my left leg, and as you have heard, I don't take crap kindly mmh?" she says pinching my cheeks lightly before walking away. I stand there staring at her back before smiling. This girl obviously has quite the nerve. I walk away and Jake catches up to me sooner.

"She was.. " "jealous obviously," I cut him off, "that was the whole point, I mean after what you did and seeing the way she looks at you, I can't let this go to waste because of a stupid, arrogant bully, who doesn't know his limits," I smile at myself feeling good about my decision to act as their cupid.

Next chapter in a few...

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