Meeting Mella

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Well this is day two at my new school or should I say hell?  Well anything closer or extremely above hell can describe this place. Today, I wake up and take a bath. Well, yesterday I learnt a few things and today I actually woke up early, transferred one of my cube mates water into my basin, took a bath and went back to sleep.

In all honesty, I feel bad for the guy cause I wake up to people talking about lost water in loud whispers. I smile but pretend to be irritated,"can you guys just shut up, the bell hasn't gone yet, besides who says a man has to shower in the morning, you could do that later." I groan and cover my head with my blanket.

"Well look who is talking, when did you last take a bath, well the bachelor doesn't because there is no Jacuzzi in the bathroom. " he says and everyone chuckles. I almost shout a 'two hours ago' but realise what that means before I say it out loud, Yes, I took a bath but I obviously didn't fetch water yesterday so what can I say, am the bachelor who never baths. I Glare at him before going back under my blanket for a much needed sleep. Suddenly, I feel something cold and get up abruptly coming face to face with a tall, huge built guy holding a bucket and the rest start to chuckle. Well I need make some much needed boundaries here.

"Who did that?" I ask in my most serious tone. Instead of answering they bust out laughing, "seems the cool kid is mad," another slim guy standing next to the big one says. "like hell the cool kid is mad and pissed up really bad, so, who poured water on me and my bed?" I ask looking between them. I'm only glad I was sleeping in my underwear and not uniform and I have an extra blanket in my suitcase and am thankful I hadn't peeled the polythene from the new mattress.

Noticing that none of them is ready to speak, I slowly approach the big guy whose name I don't want to know. The boy sleeping on the bed next mine whimpers and moves away. " Well big guy, am happy to meet you too but I'm gonna have a good day, not even you will ruin that for me bro. So next time, don't make the cool kid angry, mmh. " I walk to my suitcase, grab my uniform and a clean underwear and dress up before walking off to class with my arms in my pants pockets.

As soon as I walk out of the dorm, I hear footsteps running towards me, I turn around and notice Jake, the boy who seemed about to shit his pants because of big guys presence. " You were so cool out there, I can't believe you stood up to him" "What? " I ask confused before a realization seems to down on Jake, " do you know what you have done bro, he sure is gonna get back at you and it will be ugly I can promise you that. " He says looking scared. I just smile raising a brow at him "huh? " I look at him questioningly. "are you scared of him, " I ask looking at him expectantly.

" who the hell isn't scared of him, he is the big guy around, it's either you do what he wants or you are in for a show and trust me, it's something you don't wanna see but I guess you already crossed his path so, actually I shouldn't be seen walking with you ,he could make me do something I don't like again, not that he doesn't because he does all the time, the last time he forced me to break up with Julian and I couldn't do anything about it... " he suddenly realises he is blubbering and looks at me horrified.

"No no, it's alright don't worry I won't let him make you do anything for being around me. " I smile down at him.

"You don't know what you are talking about but am staying because I want to be your friend,
not because I believe you can protect me. Am Jake and your the bachelor. " he finishes off stretching his hand for me to take. "What, did you just say am the bachelor?" he suddenly covers his mouth with his hands before chuckling. "Nice to meet you, am Herman by the way, " I say walking ahead towards class and ignoring his stretched hand. "I'm sorry man, nice to meet you too Herman, " he says in between giggles and I smile.

"Why do people call me that anyway? " I ask out of curiosity. "Well to begin with, you are rich since your family sponsors many of students from this school, you are handsome and your "oh please" attitude towards teachers? We have never had anyone like you in our school, Brian pretends but I think he is not even close. " he finishes of in a dreamy face. "oh " that's all I say before realising am in front of my class.

I turn around to face Jake and he takes a few steps back looking scared before stuttering, "I-I sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." he says looking anywhere but me before covering his face with both hands. "what? of course am not offended " I say in an attempt to clear the air. "you are not?" he asks peeking between his palms. "Yeah, I was just gonna say, this is me and see you around, " I say gesturing towards the class. "I'm also in this class" he says looking excited all over sudden.

Soon, morning classes are done and everyone heads to the school dining hall for lunch. Its funny, one week ago i was ordering anything i want from the school cafeteria and now am here stuck with one common meal for everyone and the vegetables are chopped like the person who did the work had a gun held right above his heart. I shudder at the thought of having to eat this meal but i don't have a choice since the school canteen is open only twice a week.

Feeling my stomach grumble, we walk into the dinning hall and a lot of people moving and scattered everywhere. Just as I am about to reach for a chair and sit, a girl bumps into me and sends my food flying as I try to stabilize both of us. Once I put her back on her feet, I look at my food and back at her.  There goes no breakfast, no lunch. My stomach takes this as the right time to make funny noises and I curse under my breath.

" Watch where you are going next time, " suddenly I'm overcome by rage, who the hell is this girl, I loose my food saving her and this is what I get in return?  Damn can my day get any better in this school. I chuckle at how funny that sounds. Of cos not,it seems like this school and everything in it is set on destroying me. "What? " I ask amused by her attitude.

"I. Said. Watch where you are going and ..." " what's your name again? " I question staring down at her and cutting into her speech." Mella,  my name is Mella Lobamba. " she replies in a cocky voice. " Where the hell did your mother get such a dumb name from? " I realise am yelling as people start staring at us. " Well where your mother got yours bachelor boy, " she replies in a cocky voice. "Oh, you really want a show, don't worry am not giving you the attention. " as she starts to walk, I notice her food which she got from her friend behind her who seems to be burning holes into Jake's head but that is the least of my worries.

"Wait, " I call and she groans before facing me, I take the food from her and take advantage of the shock to pour the contents of the plate over her head. " that's what you get for giving me a cocky ass attitude after saving you, don't worry, that's my thank you from you. " I smile at her and notice the two girls glaring at me. Before I realise, I feel cold liquid running down my left ear.

" That's what you get for messing with my friend, " she looks at me and smiles.

Oh, so this is the game?  I look at them smiling before taking pocket tissue and willing myself clean. Well let the game begin, may the best man win. I give them a hearty smile and walk away before I hear them chuckle. " Haha, bachelor boy just got his fare share from Mella girl." "Nobody has told him you mess with any other girl but Mella girl. " I hear some whispers as I walk by smiling.

Next chapter in a few...

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