The Arrogant Bully

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If only life should be what you want it to be, but again that is life. It's been three days since Mella and her friend made fun of me at the dining hall. Walking beside an ever talking Jake towards the dinning hall is the most annoying thing you can ever experience. Coming here, I never expected to have a quite life but having such a talkative friend wasn't in my plans either.

"Hey, hey look at those two, they are cute right. " I look up and smile before looking at him. "uh, Jake, what. Happened to. Beauty is defined by character to me, aren't you not the one who said they were the worst? Was it one day ago? " I ask looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes but there is also the aspect of physical beauty and you just can't deny they have it all. Unlike your former school slats who could afford tones of makeup, well, our school has got classy slats." I look at him amused " are you alright up there? " I ask pointing at my head. "So apparently, compared to your ex girlfriend whom you claim to love so much, you'd choose them right?" I look up to see big boy Brian approaching them.

"I didn't say that, my ex is much cooler, if the big boy didn't force me to break up with her... " knowing where this is going I cut him" too bad they are already big boys properties. Don't get close if you still want yours lovely head. " I joke making him jump and look at the girls direction. "Let's get out of here, " he tugs at my hand. From his reaction, I know he is still scared of the big boy. I begin to wonder what he did to Jake to make him so scared of him considering they are in the same class but I push it to the back of my mind considering there are more serious things to do such as line up for lunch.

" So what was that all about, " I ask as soon as we line up. " Nothing, I was just talking, you know me and my endless talks. " Once we are served, we move into an empty table at the far end of the dinning hall. Well people still throw me curious glances and most girls stare longer and some attempt to seek my attention but my full attention is on that one girl from the other day, I wonder when she is going to show up at the dinning hall.

Soon enough, I can't hold in my curiosity about this Mella girl anymore and decide to ask Jake.

"What's that they say about enemies, know your enemies right? So who were the two girls from the other day, uuh, the ones from lunch? " I ask uncertain of Jake's reaction. He looks up and his eyes brighten up the way it usually does when he is ready to pour in interesting information.

"Uh, that was Mella, she is the one no one messes up with. She doesn't talk much but is dangerous and knows how to put people in their places, like she did the other day. Even the big boy is scared of her. If only you would have seen how she jumped on big boy last time punching him before pushing him over a chair. It was so funny and cool," he says and chuckles.

Noticing he is ready to go on and on about Mella girl, I cut him off. " and who was her friend?" I ask and suddenly a frown appears on his face. He looks down at his lap before answering, "Julian, " suddenly I understand his change in mood and by the look on his face, I realise he still has a thing for his ex.

"Big boy, he forced me to, " he swallows hard before continuing, "he made me embarras her in everyone's presence and tell her she is nothing to me and I don't even like her, one minute we were happy and the next it was a storm. I watched her walk away and couldn't do anything. I tried to refuse but he swore he would hurt her and I couldn't take that. He wanted to use her to hurt Mella and when I tried explaining things to her later, she wouldn't take me back. " he says tears welling up in his eyes.

" You do know you are an idiot right, anyway I think she still likes you. She looks at you like one moment she wants to take you on the spot and the next like she wants to rip off your head and bury it alive. " "Really, you think so?" he asks looking at me.
"No, actually I know so, " I say making him chuckle.

I look up and notice big boy walking towards us. " Don't look up, " I whisper and immediately Jake turns and looks behind him. Suddenly he is all nervous and sweaty. I feel bad for him and suddenly something occurs to me, everyone let's this guy have his way, somehow someone has got to teach him a lesson.

I stand up ready to give him a peace of my mind but someone walks by. I turn to face the person and it is Mella with Julian treading behind her. She looks at me and smiles before continuing but soon her smile drops when the Guy Brian stops her friend. He hovers over her threateningly while Julian just stares. He whispers something to Mella and seems Julian heard him because she stiffens and diverts her gaze towards Jake.

"No, you wouldn't dare, " Mella looks at him as if searching for something in her face then she frowns. " How dare you think I'll have sex with you just so you don't hurt her, are you normal?" she whisper yells. A part of me wants to walk over and punch the guy in the face for disrespecting her but I decide to take advantage of the situation and get back at her.

Slowly walking over to them, I stand between them and Mella gives a sigh of relief as I stare threateningly at the big boy. I turn to look at Mella who seems to have a bright smile on her face. Ensuring that she thinks am going to defend her, I smirk and look at her then lean in and whisper loud enough for a few people to hear. "Hey, why not have it with me first," I lean back and put up an innocent expression on my face.

"W-what," she bursts out suddenly full of rage. The priceless look on her face is something I would pay to see again anytime of the day. I clear my throat and start explaining what I mean,"well I thought since you are having sex with him of all people, it's obvious he is big and can squash you under so I thought, why not have it with me, " I finish and smile triumphantly. Before I realise it, a loud smirk sounds from somewhere and my head is thrown to the side. I gain my composure only to feel a sharp throbbing pain on my left cheek.

"What the hell, what's that for, I only asked for something as simple as sex, " I yell and everyone turns to stare at me. "I mean obviously you were gonna have it with him so I figured why not?" suddenly murmurs erupt from everywhere in the dinning hall.

"Next time, think twice before you talk to me, " she threatens pointing a finger at me before the two girls storm out of the hall. Everyone starts laughing and I smile, well it was worth the pain. I smile and turn around to face the arrogant bully. "Thank you man, I'm glad you are on our side, you can now join my group," he says gesturing with his left hand pointing between him and the others following him around like they have nothing to do. "we are the ones who matter here and from what I've had, you will be a good addition to our little group. " his friends hanging behind him nod their heads in agreement.

"Oh, that's so sweet of you. what is your name again?" I ask raising a brow at him. "Brian," he says proudly. "Well it doesn't matter what your name is, I just wanted to tell you I don't kiss anyone's ass, I think and act for myself. " I say giving him a fake smile and begin to walk away before I turn around "and oh about that, I did it for me and not for you so I guess I don't owe you anything. " I walk back to my table and continue with my lunch.

He walks over to Jake who stiffens, takes his spoon and start picking on his food before eating some. " Seems you haven't told this new guy who we are, " he raises one brow at Jake enquiringly then walks over to me " nobody, and I mean nobody messes with me, so I expect an apology from you and take back your statement, I'll meet you after classes behind the form four west class. " he says threateningly and walks away.

"Huh,okay that was rude, " I look at Jake who looks like he has just encountered a five headed monster. He sighs before giggling," you don't know what you've got yourself into man, you better go there. " I look at him questioningly but he just turns to his food and continue eating.

Next chapter in a few...

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