p18: solved

17 3 3

*Mina's POV*

More stuff posted on Bangtangossip? Omg...

You quickly use Jaenah's computer to scroll through the gossip that has been spread.

"Byun Baekhyun, Jeon April, Kyu Hyejin, Kim Seokjin..."

And basically everyone else.


Why isn't Minji on this list?

Your eyes widens.

You march over to Minji's table and ask to talk to her.

"Minji... Did you spread those gossip about me on Bangtangossip?"

Her neutral face turns into a smirk.

She claps sarcastically.

"Well done, Mina!" She snarls.

"I made the site Bangtangossip. I should get credits." She smirks.

You burn with rage.


"Oh Mina. You're so dumb! It's because you stole Taehyung from me for 6 years. 6 FUCKING YEARS! HE EVEN LIKED YOU SINCE GRADE 6. 6 YEARS, PARK FUCKING MINA!" She screams.

Taehyung turns around.

"Minji babe..."

Minji quickly turns her evil smirk to an innocent grin.

"Oh it's nothing, Mina just came up to me and started yelling at me! I'm used to it, babe. That's why i'm always so depressed. Because i want to be friends with her but all she does is have this hatred against me!" She fake sobs.

"What?! Taehyung! I-i wouldn't do that!" You say, stunned.

"I can't believe you, Mina. Why would you do this to Minji?"

"I never did, Taehyung!"

"Save it...." He looks down.

"I thought i still loved you."

"Bye, Mina..."

A/n: sorry for crappy chapter! I'm gonna upload 2-3 chapters this week so stay tuned😙

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