The Truth

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Obi wan

These Gummies are simply being misused by the people who have left negative comments. They were never intended for normal snacking needs.

These were developed in a government chemical lab in direct violation of United Nations Treaties against Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons.

These were designed as a Trojan Horse of sorts. Stockpiles of them would be 'accidentally' left behind by our ground forces when they abandoned a position. The enemy, unable to resist the adorable shape and color of the treats would claim them and take them back to their camps. That is where things would take an unexpected turn for our enemies.

In the only known use of this weapon, deployed as described in the paragraph above, a relatively small number of Gummi Bear packages was left near what was made to look like an abandoned outpost in the Iraqi desert in January 1991.

Not much is known about the details of what happened behind the enemy lines. All that is known is that over the next 5 days hundreds of thousands of Iraqi ground forces surrendered to everyone and anyone they could find.

A language barrier prevented most of the Allied Forces from understanding exactly why the hordes of enemy soldiers were so eager to give up. Bits and pieces were mistranslated at the time. The term "brown terror" was translated numerous times after being spoken by refugees that had looks of absolute horror permanently burned into their eyes. It was largely believed that this was a reference to some sort of horrible sand storm in the desert, which often turn everything into an abrasive and highly destructive fog that takes a light brown hue.

The exact happenings of those 5 days are still largely unaccounted for, but recent research has indicated that even the worst of sand storms in that region would have been a welcome alternative to what had become known as the 'brown terror" by those who survived it. And it all began within hours of just a few pounds of Sugar Free Gummi Bears being left in the desert near the Iraqi amry's position.

It is largely speculated that the weapons of mass destruction that were searched for in the second Gulf War in 2003 were what was left of that 1991 Gummi stock pile. None were found due to the impossible task of searching for something the size of a Gummi Bear in an area so vast as the Iraqi desert. But the world should take caution at the mere possibility that even a handful of these Gummis remain and could be used against us.

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