CHAPTER JAUN: Lesbians??

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Hey yall this is shitty so like comment if there's typos or grammatical errors. or like if something doesn't make sense.

"Fuck where's my wallet?" Ryan squeaked as he started to pull out of his driveway. Patting down his pockets, he groaned and dropped his head on the steering wheel. After muttering profanities under his breath and taking his keys out of the ignition, the small man stepped out of his pink Scion and walked back up the driveway.
"Musta left it in the BU room after I paid Shane the twenty bucks he won from our bet. Cocky bastard didn't give me a break," he sighed, opening the front door and turning a sharp right into The Room.
Five minutes of searching later, Ryan grunted a "Finally," and started for the car once more. However, it was not 2 seconds before he heard breathy, female laughs and the turning of a key in the door. Deciding he couldn't care less if he was late to his plans with Shane, he quickly hid behind a rack of manila folders, staying as still and quiet as he could.
After, a few wiggles of the lock, the door was shoved open, quite roughly, followed by seemingly drunk, giggling girls. Ryan immediately recognized the pair to be Ashly and Helen, sporting tight clubbing dresses, and bottles of wine. Taking a hearty swig from the bottle, Helen let herself be pushed aggressively against the wall to earn a hungry kiss from the other girl. Ryan's mouth dropped in dread and disbelief at the sight before him. This can not be happening, he thought, starting to panic. Watching the girls laugh their way up the stairs, Ryan stepped out from behind the rack and dropped his ass onto the floor.Half an hour later, he scrawled a note onto a piece of scratch paper for his ex?girlfriend.
"Guess you're a lesbian now, I'll leave you to it. Uh, have fun with Ashly, I'm assuming she'll let you stay with her while you figure out you're new housing situation. Have a nice life, I know I won't-Ryan."
Grabbing a piece of tape, he stuck the note onto the kitchen counter, assuming once they were done doing... whatever they were doing, Helen would come down to eat.
Giving himself a once-over in the mirror, and noticing the usual light in his eyes to have been snuffed out, he made his way to his car and to the mall where he would be meeting the tall, handsome Shane Madej.

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