Something More Pt.3 (Shayne)

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Here it is you guys! Here's the final part, sorry it's so short!

Shayne's voice seemed to echo through the air as it was the only thing that you two could focus one.

You knew Shayne couldn't give you what you wanted, what you two had was wonderful but it needed to end. You had conditioned yourself to wake up at the crack of dawn, untangling yourself from his sheets, from him, his arms slung over your bare back, his legs tangled with yours, quietly strong out of the bed that you were so familiar with, carful to not wake him you left once again.

You'd be lying to say you didn't spend some mornings curled up to his embrace for a few moments longer, admiring his sleeping figure, fingers lightly tracing the ridges of his chest before leaving, lingering a bit too long.

You were the one who left the warmth and comfort of his arms, reluctantly finding you scattered clothes and pulling them on, only stopping in the bathroom before leaving.

You were the one who always left, but it was the last thing you wanted.

You'd be lying to yourself if yourself that you didn't care deeply for the boy, sometimes even spraying a small amount of his cologne on your wrist just so you couldn't forget the way he smelt, dreaming about what it'd be like to be able to stay in his embrace. There were days you'd place a light kiss on his forehead, fingers grazing his arm after you pushed back the messy hair that covered his face, placing an extra blanket over him when it was colder.

He looked perfect and peaceful when he was sleeping, the soft sunlight showing a new side to him, a major contrast to the dark shadows that you were used to see on his devious features.

But just as you were doing now, you left. You always did.

You never used to hate mornings, but leaving him to end up alone, realizing that you'll always wake up alone made you realize that you'll never love them again.


Shayne watched as you sat in your car, hoping you'd open the door and follow him inside. He wanted so badly to tell you what you wanted to hear because it was so much more than that. It was more than something you wanted to hear, it was something he needed to tell you.

He could see you consider coming in, hand on your keys as they sat in the ignition. Things shouldn't be this awkward between the two of you, you were so comfortable with each other when you were naked between the sheets, but you realized that you really didn't know Shayne, you wanted to but you didn't.

Shayne wanted to give you the love that you wanted to receive, there would be no way that he could get over you. He looks at you hopeful, fearing if he speaks again you'll drive out of his life.

"Y/N" He whispered, hoping you'd look at him but you didn't.

"Please, you never heard what I wanted to tell you" Still nothing.

He took a deep breath, he knew you wouldn't come out of the car unless he gave you something that would make you want to open that door. "There's nothing more than I want to make you happy. I want more, more than what we have...or had."

You were hopelessly longing for him in more ways than one, and you hated it, but you just might love him. You're eyes slowly made their way to his, him looking hopeful as you finally looked towards him.

"I want something real, I want to hold your hand. I want to wake up to you in the morning, I want to be the one you call yours. I want to know everything about you: your favorite color, the things that make you laugh. I want to know more than just your body, I want to know you." He continued.

You couldn't believe what you heard, your mouth opening but no words coming out.

"Come in, please, talk to me."

You couldn't answer him, not being able to process words. You just simply nodded.

Shayne slowly opened the door, scared that you'd change your mind, offering you his hand and walking you to his door and once again into the apartment. Shayne looked at you, his worry being filled once again with hope. His hand slowly made it to your cheek as he brought his lips to yours.

This kiss was so much different than any others you've shared. It was soft and caring instead of headed and hungry. He pulled you in close, something you've both wanted for so long, kissing your forehead.

"Please stay, I want to know everything about you." He finally said.

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