You have friends? (Joven)

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A/n: This is a short one, sorry guys

For some reason you let Josh convince you to go with him to work, and when you finally said yes after him trying all morning he was beaming, and you couldn't help smiling at how excited he was.

"Guys, this is my friend Y/n!" He loudly introduced, full of excitement. "We've known each other for years, and even better, she plays games too!"

You could tell Josh was nervous and excited to introduce you to his friends, you giving them all a small smile and wave as he told you everyone's names.

"Who knew Joven had friends." Ian yelled out, getting laughs from everyone in the room.

"Who knew Joven had HOT friends." Lasercorn piped up as he walked towards your side.

Josh put his arm around your side, pulling you closer to him, "Watch it, Lasercorn, this one's off limits, she's mine."

You didn't know how to feel about that statement, not hearing Josh say anything like that before, but you kept to yourself as you felt your cheeks began to burn as a blush crept up on your face.

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