3 am Ice Cream Runs (Ian)

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"Ian. Ian. IAN!"

"Wha-What's wrong? Are you okay? Is there something wrong with the baby?" Ian bolts out of bed and clumsily makes his way to around the bed to your side. It's currently 3:34am, and you've been awake for most of the night due to your soon to be baby girl thinking your bladder was a soccer ball.

"We're fine, but I do have to pee, and my back hurts so bad I don't think I can get out of bed by myself." You say with a smile trying to calm him, even though it so dark in your shared room that you're not sure that he can even see your face. He sighs out of relief as he stands up, turning on the lamp on the nightstand on your side of the bed and helping you place your legs over the bed and offering you his hand to help you up.

"We need a code so I can stop having heart attacks every time you yell for me." His voice sounding hoarse from just waking up, his one hand still in yours and the other at the small of your back supporting you as he walks you to the bathroom.

"If it was serious, I would've just yelled in your ear instead of just whispering."

"I guess that works." He says with a tired chuckle as you two reach the bathrrom, him turning the light on for you and waiting outside of the door.

"Ian?" You called out as you turn on the faucet to the sink.

Ian turns so you can now see him in the door way in the mirror's reflection.

"Yes, baby?"

"Can we get go ice cream...please?" You ask giving him puppy eyes in the mirror.

You watch him roll his eyes and give a smile chuckle. "If that's what you want, we can. What kind do you want?"

"I don't know, can I go too?" Ian had found it funny that through these last six months you were still indecisive even when it came to your cravings.

You began to feel guilty as Ian walks you back to your shared room, the baby is constanly keeping you up and you tend to crave things at odd times, you know it's not your fault, but you're grown, and you should be able to go to the bathroom on your own, and be able to get your own ice cream without the constant help from your boyfriend. Tears began to pool up in your eyes and you get too much into your head, and suddenly a few began to escape, and ran down your face.

"Y/n, baby, why are you crying?"

"I'm s-so s-sorry. I'm an-noying and I'm n-needy." You began to cry.

"No, baby. You're not annoying, you're not needy. I have no problem helping you or getting you whatever you need no matter what the time is. I love you." His hand cups your cheek as he lifts your face to look at him, but your eyes are still fixated on the ground.

"Yeah, you wake me up at 3 in the morning, yeah you might of given me a heart attack a few times here and there," he chuckles. "but I don't care. We're in this together, I want to do what I can for you, helping you get to the bathroom, driving across town at 3 for ice cream is so minimal in comparrison to all the things you're doing right now for our baby. I love you, both of you and if you want ice cream, now we should get ice cream, shouldn't we."

You giggle as a smile forms on your face, and you wipe off the stray tears on your cheeks. "I'm sorry that I'm hormonal."

"Anything for my girls." Ian said as he rests his hands on your belly. "Now, lets go get some ice cream before you make your mommy cry again." This time talking to your tummy.

Ian went to your closet and pulled out both your your shoes, quickly putting his on before helping you slip into yours, once again helping you up and leading you to the car.

"I hope you don't make 3am ice cream runs a routine little girl, because I'm not going to keep making them." Ian joked, you knowing that he was talking to your wide awake and kicking soon-to-be daughter.

"You know you'd never tell her no." You joked back, looking down at your belly with a smile as you watched her move.

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